28 | The Unsuccessful Mission

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"I know. And I plan to honor it."

Dusk was nearing, and their plan is already all laid out. In a few minutes, their diversion will start and their rescue mission will officially start.

"Chamuel." Chamuel whipped her head to the door as Vin entered it.

"Vin." She said with surprise. He's been MIA for half of the day, so it was surprising for Chamuel to see him.

"Vin, what are you doing here?" Lilin asked. It wasn't part of their plan. 

Vin was supposed to be in the cafeteria. He and Lilin were supposed to fight each other, putting up a scene where they're fighting because of Chamuel. But with him here, Lilin felt like something is wrong.

"A change of plans." He said as he grabbed Chamuel's hand. "Pack up." He said as he gave Chamuel a bag after dragging her into his room. He opened Aosoth's closet in his room and placed Chamuel in front of it.

"What do you mean a change of plans?" Lilin asked after following them.

It's too dangerous for Chamuel to be somewhere with a lot of demons. It's clear that a lot already knows about her, it'll be too much of a risk to bring her there.

"Stop asking and head to the last phase of the plan. There'll be a bigger diversion." Vin said while also packing. Lilin looked at them as they move hastily.

Chamuel has no clue what is happening, all she knows is that she has to obey Vin for now and ask later. 'What the heck is going on?'

"Are you going to escape?" Lilin asked. Looking at them with dread. "Where are you going?"

Vin sighed and paused for a second to talk to Lilin. "Lilin, it has nothing to do with you." 

"You're abandoning this mission?"
She accused him, giving him a betrayed look.

Vin looked at her and placed both his hand on her shoulders. "I am not. Trust me, the last thing I'd do is betray my sister." He sincerely assured her.

It was such an inappropriate time but Lilin couldn't help but be flustered. It was the first time that Vin actually treated her like a real companion that he trusts. For the first time ever, she didn't feel his hostility.

"Go to the last phase."
Vin repeated and she nodded with conviction. 'I'll trust Vin. I always have, and I won't fail to do so now.'  She thought and walked away.

"Are we going somewhere?"
Chamuel asked after they were done with packing.

Chamuel slipped the bag on her shoulders. "Sort of. Come on." Vin answered while adjusting the bag's strap and fixing Chamuel's clothes.

They started walking and took the elevator. 'Lucifer said that Paimon will be waiting for us at the entrance.'

One of Barbatos' familiar appeared with a poof and talked. "Vin! An emergency!" The familiar acted as a radio and said the words that Asmodeus is saying on the other end of the line.

He took it and asked. "Why?"

"Aosoth wasn't in the room!"

"He suddenly appeared out of nowhere! Right in front of Aym and Barbatos!"
Vin felt cold on his feet. 

"Azazel attacked us! He Aym is barely holding on!"

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