22 | The Unwavering Heart of Lilin

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"Summon my legion at once."
He said with his eyes flickering with blue flames.

Her eyes widened after hearing his command with seriousness in his eyes. He took a step forward but Lilin quickly shot up to her feet and stopped him on his tracks. "What are you doing? Where are you going?" She asked, standing in front of him in an attempt to stop him.

He looked at her with a calm yet raging glare "I'm taking back my sister." He replied with intensity in his eyes. Lilin felt the heaviness of his stare alone. She felt her intestines twist as she slowly senses Vin's tremendous prowess.

"Stop. Going there unplanned is suicide. Are you even thinking straight?" She said then placed her hand on his chest, trying to calm him down but he just looked at her with dead-serious eyes and said. "Step back." 

'I'm doing this for you.' She knew that those two words aren't empty. She knows too well what it means if she doesn't do as he said but she still didn't. Because she also knows that stepping aside will not bring positive results.

When Lilin did not step back, he released more of his intensity and that alone was enough to make Lilin bend on her knee. She tried not to but couldn't help but scream in pain as he stares down at her, slowly taking out her soul from her body without even lifting a finger. "He can sense you, Vin!" She screamed in pain yet Vin still stared down on her without caring about what she said. "Stop!"

"Don't be reckless, you're putting everyone close to you in danger, including Aym, Aosoth and Chamuel!"
She screamed harder and after a few seconds, she was about to pass out when Vin suddenly placed back her soul and slowly controlled his powers. She fell completely on the floor, panting and writhing with pain.

Vin walked past her and went to the other room. Chamuel jolted after Vin opened her door with force. She sat up straight in her bed and looked at him with confusion in her eyes. "Vin?"

"What's wrong?"
She asked after seeing how Vin looked like. 

He looked enraged and unsettled and Chamuel sensed that. It was apparent in his face, the anger that he was feeling, yet Chamuel wasn't afraid of the intensity in his eyes and was concerned. 

Maybe it's because she doesn't know his wrath, maybe because she's special or maybe because Vin is special for her.

His thoughts were in disarray. He couldn't think straight and only saw red.

The thought that his only family is held captive by the enemy made him anxious and angry at himself. He was the one who sent Aosoth to that situation. He couldn't get a hold of his emotions and only wanted to vent all his anger out by marching recklessly towards the enemy.

It made him even vexed knowing that he can't do anything immediately even after knowing the situation because other people will be put in danger. He is among the most powerful in Hell yet his hands are tied when it comes to a situation where his strength is needed.

The moment he saw Chamuel he felt calmer. All his anger vanished and all that's left is the worry in his heart for his sister.

He suddenly marched towards Chamuel and wrapped her in his arms. He himself didn't know why he did it but at that moment, he wasn't thinking straight and being with Chamuel calm his system down, being with her made him feel sane.

Chamuel was surprised. 'W-Wh-What is the meaning of this?'  She mentally panicked and was flustered. She didn't know what to do. It was the first time that he advanced towards her this way, her heart cannot calm down at all.

She snapped out of her thoughts after Vin sighed while burying his face on her shoulders, realizing that Vin was angry and now he's trying to calm down by seeking comfort from her.

She slowly stroked his back and tried to calm him. 'Why is he being like this?' She didn't ask anything until Vin's breathing became even. He broke away from their hug and just stared at Chamuel's blue eyes.

"What's the matter?" She asked with apparent worry in her face as her brows furrow. Vin gently smiled and shook his head.

He got his head straight now.

'Lilin was right, it was stupid and reckless to lose control of my powers like that.'
  He thought after calming down. If he really wants to rescue Aosoth, suddenly barging in won't be the best way to do it. It's too dangerous and incautious. 

The moment he rushed in with his full prowess, Azazel would definitely sense him. Just his sudden outburst before definitely alarmed them, if he let out his full prowess, Aosoth would've been in more danger. They'd take a whiff of their ambush and that would put Aosoth in a tighter situation.

"It's nothing. Rest here for a while." He said then stood up. 

He straightened up his clothes and walked outside of the room, leaving a very confused Chamuel. 'What just happened?'

He went back inside his room and saw Lilin, sitting on the floor while leaning her back on the wall. Tiredness and pain are evident on her face, she still had some sweat on her forehead and her eyes were still red under.

Vin felt a little guilty. He looked at her and their eyes met. He slowly squatted in front of her without saying anything.

He felt weird as he couldn't whiff anger in Lilin even after all he did. He almost killed her just because she tried to talk some sense into him yet there she is, still calm and not even the least bit angry. 

"Calmed down now?" She smugly said with a side smile. 'How are you still not wavering, Lilin? How can you hold onto your feelings without even faltering?'  Vin couldn't help but feel a bit of admiration towards her. 

For someone like Vin who has never loved anyone other than his family, he could not understand Lilin at all. They are both demons yet he seemed to be the only one without a heart.

"I may have been a little impulsive."
He admitted and she just scoffed with a smile on her lips. "A little?"

He helped her stand up and let her rest in his bed. "Subtly call for my legion to gather at my sector, we'll hold a meeting. Disguise it as a celebration for the night of the dead." He commanded her and she nodded.

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