20 | Lilin

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'What is happening? Why are they pinning for Chamuel? I'll need Aosoth's report, as soon as possible.' He thought, not knowing the danger that Aosoth has gotten into.

Despite the skeptical atmosphere that the demons gave them last night, Vin and Chamuel still went to eat at the cafeteria because Chamuel wanted to eat there, Vin couldn't do anything against it.

'What better way to avoid danger other than to walk towards it head-on?' Vin sarcastically said to himself.

"Ah, shit."
Vin mumbled as he sniffed a familiar scent that he almost loathes.

"Vin." The woman said as she went to their table. "Lilin." He greeted her back through gritted teeth. "You're back."

"Yes, and I heard you took in a human while I was away."
She sternly said then glanced at Chamuel sidewards. "Is this the human?" She said with distaste.

Vin sighed before answering. "Yes, this is Chamuel." He said, introducing Chamuel. Chamuel cleared her throat and smiled at her, "How you doin'?"

"I've been punishing sinful humans, how are you doing?"
She asked with a raised eyebrow. Chamuel almost choked on her food.

"Don't scare her like that." Vin said with a threat in his voice. "I'm not. I am merely answering her answer." She said with a shrug as she threw another glare towards Chamuel.

"What's your purpose of coming to me?" He coldly asked which she didn't mind.

Lilin has known Vin ever since Vin came to Hell and she's been in love with him ever since then. She didn't mind it when Vin pushed her aside or is cold towards her. She loves him but she won't force him to give that love back. Not even once has Vin indulged in the offers that Lilin gives him. As a result, Lilin takes out her lust to other men and succumbs them.

"I need to talk to you." She said. Vin shrugged, "Then talk."

She cleared her throat and glanced at Chamuel before talking. "Alone."

Vin was about to say that she should just say it right then and there but he sniffed that she wasn't lying when she said that they need to talk alone.

"We'll finish our supper first. Go to my room after." Vin said with a nod. Lilin spared Chamuel a last glance before walking away.

"Who was that?" She asked while still looking at Lilin's back. She had a beautiful face and a voluptuous body, most female demon does but as far as Chamuel saw, she has the best one. Her eyes were a lighter blue shade, unlike most demons.

"That was Lilin." Vin said with an exhausted sigh. "You've probably heard about Lilith?" He said but Chamuel only looked at him with a confused expression.

"Lilith is the first partner of Adam. Long story short, she got banished for lusting so she went here and laid waste here." Vin told her which made her nod understandingly.

"Is she powerful?" She curiously asked which made Vin raise his eyebrows questioningly at her. "Kind of." He said with a shrug. She was.

They finished their meal and went upstairs to rest. And as he commanded, Lilin is waiting for him outside his room. "Go inside, I'll be with you in a minute." Vin told Chamuel then opened the door to her room.

Chamuel looked at Lilin then at Vin. She nodded and went inside her room. She sighed as she leaned against the door, trying to calm herself down.

Her gut feeling is telling her that Lilin holds strong feelings for Vin and she's not sure what to feel about that. Somehow she doesn't want Vin to be snatched away by Lilin. She finds herself to be absurd, she's not even sure whether Lilin feels something for Vin, not to mention, Vin isn't hers.

'How can she snatch something that isn't mine, to begin with?' She thought to herself as she plopped down her bed.

"What is it?" Vin asked Lilin as soon as Chamuel got inside her room. "Let's go somewhere more private."

Vin was reluctant to let her inside his room but he knows the seriousness of the topic so he just opened the door and let her inside.

He didn't loathe her but he didn't like her either. He knows that Lilin loves him deeply, he can smell it. But for him, love isn't something that them demons should have.

A demon's love is far greater than anything. The feeling of love is something pure, a demon who isn't impure and vile isn't really a demon, is he? The stronger a demon loves, the weaker they'll be.

"Vanth is plotting a revolution." She immediately started as soon as they got inside. Vin looked at her with surprise. 

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