6 | A Special Mission

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'So he's pretty strong I guess?' She thought to herself. 

Little did she know that she's talking to the 3rd ranking demon in hell.

"Are you done with your food?" Vin asked Chamuel. She nodded while chewing her last bite. 

"We should probably wait for a bit." He said. Chamuel looked at him confused. "For digestion?" 

'Demons get indigestion?' Chamuel wanted to laugh at the thought. 

"Sir Vin?" A man wearing a long tailcoat walked over their table. He politely bowed at Vin and said, "Madam Vanth is asking for your presence." "In a minute." He answered with a small nod. 

"Madam Vanth does not like to be kept waiting, so if you will."
 Vin looked at the man and answered with a low growl at the back of his throat. "I remember me saying 'in a minute'." The man cowered by his gaze and kowtowed.

Chamuel was just watching the two of them; looking back and forth with curiosity in her face. After the man kowtowed, he walked away. Chamuel came closer to Vin and whispered. "Who was that?" Vin sighed. He was pretty surprised that Chamuel wasn't threatened with the way he warded off the man. Somehow, the thought that she wasn't afraid of him made him feel something.

"He's Verin. The right-hand man of Lucy." Chamuel did not know what she should ask next.

"I wanted to rest a bit. Damn that old hag, asking for me again." He said then leaned back with his eyes closed.

'Old hag?'

"Is it okay to keep them waiting like this?" Chamuel asked concernedly.

"Of course, of course, they can wait." He said nonchalantly.  

"W-Why do you think she's asking for you?" 
She asked with hesitation. Vin opened his eyes and looked at her. He looked like he's thinking.

"Probably another errand." He said with a shrug. Chamuel clapped her hands and pointed at him. "Aha! You said you're unemployed. You're actually just an errand boy aren't you?" She asked, half teasing. She's really curious what his role in here is so she's trying to squeeze information by provoking him but Vin just grinned at her.

"I'm more like a freelancer. A mercenary if you may. They ask me to do... random things." 

"What kind of random things? Small things? Big?"
She asked. She couldn't contain her curiosity and fired away her questions.

Vin shrugged before answering. "It varies. Sometimes it's just small things, sometimes it's a very important  mission." He said, Chamuel nodded understandingly. "Just like guarding you." Vin said then winked at her. She faked gagging.

"If guarding me is a very important mission to you, that must mean you don't get important missions." Chamuel teased him. Vin chuckled.

"Seriously though, what kind of important missions have you done?" Chamuel asked with interest.

"I'd say they're pretty confidential." He says nonchalantly.

"Oh come on, I bet you're just embarrassed." Chamuel taunted him but Vin just chuckled at her.

"If you think you can squeeze information from taunting me, you're wrong." He said with a small smile.

"Aw come on. Just give me something, you're leaving out too much information about yourself." Chamuel pouted.  Vin simply chuckled at her.

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