27 | The Morning Star's Past

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'So Chamuel really is his daughter.' He knew it himself. He just wished he was wrong. It was foolish but it's the only thing he can think of.

'Why does she have to be a Nephilim?'

He has known Lucy for as long as he can remember. He knows all the pain that he has gone through. He knows it yet he still can't get himself to assure him that he'll protect Chamuel.

Lucifer has a lover. His only and greatest love. But of course, love is tricky even towards the devil himself. The woman he fell in love with was an archangel that escaped down to Earth. They met and she bore him a daughter once, but that didn't end well for both the child and its mother. The mother died while giving birth to the Nephilim and Nephilim was inhumanely murdered by a wraith.

Unbeknownst to Heaven, Lucifer had Vin take out the soul of his wife and preserved it until it is ready to be reincarnated. And seventy years ago, it was. They placed the soul in a child's body and Lucifer's wife was resurrected as someone who has a mortal body and angelic gifts.

The woman died at an early age when Heaven knew of her existence. 'It was a tragic story.' Vin's heart tugged at the thought of Lucifer's past.

"A smile suits you better, little Chamuel."  Vin suddenly remembered Chamuel's memories. 'So that's why you were at her funeral.' Vin thought while looking at Lucifer.

"It's my mother's death anniversary tomorrow."

"Lucy is in his annual visit to Earth."

He finally saw the pieces fall together. He's always wondered why Lucifer goes back to Earth every year around this time of the year. 'So you still visit her every year?'

"Vin." He called him, snapping him out of his train of thought. "You took an oath." He repeated with emphasis. "I might be asking for too much, Vine..."

"But she's the only family I have left."
He said which made Vin feel for him. Right now, he can definitely relate to him most. 'Just like Aosoth...'

"My flesh and blood."
He said then walked towards Vin. "I lost her once, Vin..."

He swallowed his fears away after feeling for him. How can he think to neglect his oath?

I'll fight for her, even if it means I'll fight the heavens or hell.'  He almost slapped himself after remembering what he told himself. 'How foolish of me.'

He also promised Chamuel that he'll protect her no matter what. 'I keep repeating to her that I'm her guardian, yet at the thought that she's a Nephilim, I quickly faltered.'

"Lucifer, I know I took an oath..." He trailed off, looking at him with sincerity.

"And I plan to honor it."

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