8 | The Forest of the Lost

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'Could it be... he can't?'

"Cer, we'll be leaving for a while." Vin said as he walked past him. "Yes, Madam Vanth has informed me." Cer said without looking at them. Chamuel looked hesitant to continue walking, she didn't know they'll be going out of hell. 'We're leaving just like that?' She bowed to Cer awkwardly as if he's her boss.

"We're going to the Forest of the Lost right?" She said, trying to catch up with Vin. Vin was walking briskly, not even thinking about Chamuel. "Yeah, it's just a few minutes away from here." He replied without sparing her a glance.

As they opened the door, Chamuel was prepared to see the 'hell' that she thought of. Where the sky is red and souls were flying, demons swarming and with the atmosphere ever so depressing but alas, it did not look a bit like it. Surprise was apparent with her face, she looked around the place to see even a bit of resemblance of the place to the 'hell' in her head but the was nothing.

"Are you guys actually a part of a mafia gang?" She tried joking but Vin just chuckled. "Don't let Cer hear you say that." He replied without looking at her. She took it seriously though. 

The place has a big fountain, a small garden, and a big driveway. It looks like a mansion's front yard. The skies weren't red, yet it wasn't sunny either. She should've known though, they are a hundred feet underground after all.

They walked in silence, she was on the verge to ask questions to Vin but somehow he seemed more aloof than usual. She wanted to strike up a conversation but he doesn't look like he's in his best mood so she decided to wait until his mood becomes better.

Chamuel stopped after seeing Vin stopping. He was too tall, she couldn't see why he stopped so she peeked from behind him and saw a big bronze gate with intricate design. She looked past the gate and saw a forest. 'I'm guessing this is the Forest of the Lost.' She thought to herself as she looked at the forest and thought it was mystical in a pretty way.

"T-That's the forest?" She stuttered. Somehow it looked ominous.

Fog was emitting from it, the trees looked different than normal trees, they were humongous and menacing. She didn't know if it was just her but she can definitely see glitter dust floating which creates the mysterious aura of the forest.

"This forest is a little tricky, it's pretty much alive. Just remember not to let go of me." Vin said. Chamuel listened to him intently. She's watched too many movies that she knows this might be the part where she'll be apart from him and then she'll hear some voices that aren't true. Yes, she's watched too many movies.

Vin turned his back again and was about to open the gates when Chamuel stopped him with urgency. "W-Wait! That's all? Aren't you going to give me a heads up? Like, don't listen to the voices, don't ask questions or don't look at the creatures in their eyes or something?" She asked sounding very nervous. 

Vin raised his eyebrow at her with bemusement. "You're always too nervous. Loosen up, Chamuel Grace. I'm right here. As if I'll let anything happen to you." He said which gave her reassurance. 

She still wanted to know what they'll be facing in the forest though. You never know what can happen. 'Unless you're Vin.' She thought after remembering that he can see into the present future and past of something or someone.

She decided to just trust Vin and be cautious. She swallowed hard as Vin pushed the gate. It sparked which made her flinch and grab onto Vin's arm. "You're too--Calm down, woman." Vin said while cracking a smile. She just smiled sheepishly.

Finally, they entered the forest. She took a deep breath as they enter.

'Here goes nothing.' She thought then followed Vin into the Forest of the Lost and not even a minute later, she found herself in a situation that she has pictured a few too many times.

"Vin..." She quietly called him as she feels something slowly wrap around her ankles. She dreaded to look at it, fearing it might make her faint after seeing a disturbing creature. Vin turned to her and raised his eyebrow at her. "Not even a minute in and the forest is already playing with you. It must have liked you." He said as he picked up the growing vine in her ankles. 

"They're just vines, why are you so afraid?"
He said with a wide grin. "I-I---" She stuttered as she tries to explain why she was so afraid. Vin chuckled and extended his hand towards her. "Sorry, I told you not to let go yet I didn't give you my hand." He said with a charming smile which made Chamuel's heart beat faster. 

They heard a screech which made Chamuel flinch and hold on tight to his hand. "Those are imps. Don't worry, they're just mischievous, they can hardly hurt you." He reassured while squeezing her hand.

She looked at him with her heart beating faster as each second passes yet he's simply looking ahead as if he can't feel Chamuel's attraction towards him. 'I thought he can smell my feelings?' She thought, pouting a little.

Her daydreaming was cut abruptly when she saw a light that ignited at their left, not too far from them. "What's that?" She asked as she pulled Vin. Vin looked at where she was pointing and found strange flame-like lights.

"Will-O'-Wisps." He answered with an amazed smile. "Better follow them. Come on." He said as they walked towards the lights.

"I'm helping you, you should be thankful!" Chamuel heard. She quickly turned around to see who it was, only to see nothing but the forest. 'Weird.' She thought, brushing her worries away.

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