2 | The Mistaken Soul

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"Ms. Grace?" Chamuel Grace swung her head to the voice that resonated in the quiet lobby.

"Yes?" She answered the woman wearing a pencil cut skirt and a white fitted blouse.

"Your room is ready. If you wouldn't mind, please follow me, I will guide you to it."
The woman who seems to be the assistant of the place said. She timidly smiled and stood up as a reply. She doesn't know how she should act, it's her first time being in Hell's lobby after all.

Yes, you read it right. Hell has a lobby and Chamuel is currently being guided to her so-called-room. She felt a little nervous, imagining what kind of room she will be guided to.

2 hours ago

"Welcome to hell, damned soul." A man wearing specs said and smiled devilishly at her.

She can feel the cold marble floor beneath her, she carefully looked around and saw a normal-looking lobby -- and an expensive one, at that. The place was well lit and had luxurious chandeliers. The place reminded her of the Ceasar's Palace hotel that she went to once during her cousin's hen party. 

Her sightseeing was interrupted when the spectacled man cleared his throat. "Ehem, I'm sure the floor is cold. If you could please stand up and sit." He said and pointed to the chair in front of his desk. But she only stared blankly at him.

Chamuel was confused, she checked her clothes to see if there are any blood from the gunshot. To her surprise, her clothes are still bright yellow without even a drop of red. She stopped to think.

Maybe I'm dreaming?

She thought to herself. Among the other speculations she thought, this was the most plausible answer for her.

"You look confused. If you could please, sit, I'd be happy to assist you in your stay here."
The man said, still smiling. The lack of emotions on his face weirded out Chamuel. Ever since she saw him, he had not changed the look on his face, smiling wickedly.

She hesitantly sat in the high chair in front of him. "I would appreciate it if you could introduce yourself to me." He politely said. She was hesitating whether to tell him her real name, yet something at the back of her head told her that the man would not do anything to her.

"Chamuel Grace." She said still skeptical of him.

The man skimmed through some papers on his desk. And for the first time, there was a slight change in his facial expression, his forehead furrowed but it was only for a second. What weirded out Chamuel was that he was still smiling all the while.

"There seems to be a complication. If you could just stay here for a while, I will ask for assistance." He told her then picked up the phone to call someone.

Chamuel looked around the lobby once again while he was talking to the phone. She can't help but admire how luxurious the place is, it's probably a five-star hotel, she thought. The floor is very glossy, she could see a clear reflection of herself in it. The details in the walls and ceiling also looked intricate, making the place look even elegant. She can hear a faint sound of classical music coming somewhere, unexpectedly soothing her. The place seemed high-class, she felt a little out of place with her casual bright yellow dress.

Her train of thought was once again halted with the voice of the spectacled man. "I have called the higher-ups, if you could just wait for a while, they will be here to pick you up." He said shortly after hanging up the phone, he then continued to work on some papers on his desk.

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