3 | After Three Decades

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Holy sh----

Chamuel had no time to dodge what was coming at her face, all she could do was say a few profane words and close her eyes to wait for it to hit her right at her face.

She waited for it but to her surprise, there was nothing. When she dared to sneak a peek, she lost all her strength in her knee and fell to the floor.

"Sir Cer hasn't issued the warning yet but please do not act recklessly on this floor temporarily. We have a visitor who'll be staying with us. So please take your barbaric fights to another floor." Gwyll, the assistant of Cer, said. She was smiling and sounded calm, her voice had no trace of threats, she wouldn't look menacing if it weren't for humungous claws.

She blocked the ball of fire that was accidentally thrown to Chamuel's direction using a black wolf-like claw that grew from where her arms should be. The sight was haunting, a beautiful and serene lady with a giant hairy claw holding a flaming ball that is dripping with magma. Chamuel couldn't move for a second, petrified by the surreal sight.

"Please excuse their rudeness, it is not often that we get visitors who are vulnerable."
She said and smiled at Chamuel. Chamuel tried to smile but it looked like she was constipated, "I-Isn't it hot?" she tried to ask politely because Gwyll was still holding the ball of fire while talking to her.

She looked at it and laughed with demure. "Oh, this? Has it been bothering you that I'm holding it? Please excuse me then." She said then licked her lips.

Then she opened her mouth, and Chamuel was once again, stupefied when her teeth became triple rowed with long, sharp, deadly, and bloody tips. Her mouth became thrice its original size and her tongue became sleeky and long -- maybe even a yard long. Her tongue coiled around the ball, then she swallowed it whole. And in a second, she transformed back to being a voluptuous demured woman smiling gently at Chamuel.

Any mundane would've fainted, Chamuel is not an exception. The scene kept repeating in her head and her eyes rolled back. All she could see was Gwyll's tongue, teeth, and claws, and before she knew it, she blacked out. 

The moment she opened her eyes, a different ceiling welcomed her. She tried sitting up but felt a pang in her head from the sudden movement. "Ugh." She moaned, feeling hurt.

"I would advise you not to move let alone sit up but you already did, so now I don't know what to do." He said with little emotion in his voice.

Chamuel looked at where the voice was coming from. Beside her bed, not too far from her, Vin is sitting on a sofa while reading a book with a poker face. He wasn't even looking at her. 

She looked at him, waiting for him to look back at her but his eyes were glued to the book and it didn't seem like he will be striking up a conversation so Chamuel took the first step. She cleared her throat before speaking in hopes to gain his attention but it was in vain seeing how he is still ignoring her presence.

"H-how long have I been out?" She asked with a little bit of hesitation. She was afraid he will ignore her.

Luckily, this time he decided to acknowledge that he can actually see and hear her.

"About three decades now." 
He said, still looking at the book and his voice still devoid of emotions.

Chamuel's eyes grew wide. She's been sleeping for thirty years?!

She stood up and looked around the room for a mirror. This time, Vin finally started to look at her with amusement in his eyes. "How do I look? H--Have I aged?" She said, asking Vin now that he's looking at her.

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