13 | The Prosecution Department

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Vin felt a chill run down his spine. He's not sure what happened but his senses are telling him something bad already happened.

"Vin?" Chamuel called him, distracting him. He looked at her and went to her side. "Done with your nap?" He asked.

Chamuel got up while scratching her eyes. "How long have I been asleep?"

"Not long enough. You should rest again."
Vin said then tucked her in but she stopped him and looked at him with seriousness in her eyes.

"W-What happened to the vengeful spirit?" She asked, nervousness was apparent in her face. Vin sighed before answering. "Aym took him."

"Where is it?"

"The Prosecution Department."

"Can... we watch his prosecution?"
She asked with hesitation. Vin looked at her with concern.

It's obvious that she's bothered by that man. Vin saw how she killed him, he knows that Chamuel is feeling guilty and possibly afraid that his death will be convicted as an unjust death.

"We can't?" She asked again with disappointment in her eyes. Vin sighed. "Fix your clothes, we'll go in five minutes. They're probably almost done with it." Vin defeatedly said as he stood up and change into cleaner clothes.

He threw her a cleaner jacket and she was surprised that it fits her. "That's Ao's." Vin explained even though Chamuel did not ask.

After a few minutes, they went on their way to the Prosecution Department. Chamuel was nervous as they ride the elevator in silence.

'What if they immediately take me after knowing that I was the one who caused his unjust death?'

They arrived at the department and Chamuel wasn't even surprised at how normal the place looked like. It looked like a normal police station upon entering, there were cubicles with demons working on paperwork, demons walking busily and demons talking on the phone.

"Aym." Vin called Aym as they see him flirting with one of the demons. "Brother." He said in surprise. "What brings you here?" He said as he walked towards them.

"Where's the spirit that we caught?" He asked without beating around the bush. Aym sighed before answering.

"He's sleeping. Somehow, we can't wake him up." They looked at him with confusion. "Sleeping?"

"Not the normal sleep, of course. It's like he's meditating or someone did that to him, I couldn't break into his thoughts so I couldn't ask him anything. We took a break after an hour of trying to wake him up."
Aym said sounding a little stressed.

"Where is he?" Vin asked. He wants to see what he can do to help wake up the spirit.

"In the Courtroom." Aym said then led them to the room.

"We've asked the Torture Department to send someone to break his mind but they said it'll take about two hours before they can send someone." Aym informed them as he opened the doors of the room.

The room composed of elevated seats for a jury formed in a circle. In the middle is a platform where the vengeful spirit floated. 

The darkness that was draped over it is not moving anymore and is now sheerer, making Chamuel see the face of the spirit more clearly.

'It's that man.'  She thought as she looked at it. He looked peaceful, his face was still rugged but right now, he doesn't seem so bad.

She flinched when the vengeful spirit's eyes shot open and looked at her with bloodshot eyes. He smiled wickedly and flew straight to her.

She ducked behind Vin with her eyes closed. She heard a series of clanks that made her peek.

The spirit did not get even an inch closer to her. It was bounded by chains that appears whenever he tries to move away from the platform.

"You came back, Chamuel Grace." He said as he let out a menacing laugh, making every hair on Chamuel stand up. 'How does he know my name?'

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