The Pretenders

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AN: It is passed midnight and i'm feeling brave. 

This is my first fanfiction ever. I hope you enjoy it. English is not my first language so if there's something wrong with the writing please don't hesitate to tell me. 

Warning: There is going to be explicit content, such as drug use, sex, and death of characters.

I felt the hot liquid running through my throat, burning it till my voice was completely hoarse from so much alcohol.

It was only past midnight and i couldn’t walk straight or even keep myself standing still.

I felt the numbness in my tongue like a cramp in my mouth.

'Another round please' i said, as the bartender shook his head and smiled at me.

I wasn’t celebrating.

It was just… I needed to get drunk.

I turned around and face myself on the mirror. Everything was in its place… For now.

I took the shot glass in my hands and slowly placed it in my lips, i closed my eyes tight and tilt my head back. I drank.

The song that was playing before was quickly gone for ‘Katy on a mission’

'A glass of whiskey please, mate”

He placed his hands next to mine over the bar tangled them together as he was sitting on the chair next to me.

I took another shoot, and look at the man.

He got stuck in the fifties for sure, he had some James Dean thing going on.

Dark hair pushed back, dark eyes, a leather jacket with some Ramones t-shirt under it and a ring in his little finger.

I looked at him across the mirror in front of us.

'You know, i can see you too' he said looking at me in the mirror. Half smiling.

I felt my face getting hotter. And stare at him.

'What makes you think i'm looking at you?'

'Nothing makes me think you are. I'm sure you are looking at me' he said facing me this time. 'Got any problem, love?'

I thought for a moment what was i going to say. I looked into his eyes, and i couldn’t remember.

'Are you some sort of hipster?' i smiled

He laughed wide. And drank his beer. 

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