When He Got Kicked Out

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2012 Los Angeles California

He was sitting in front of this office filled with glass walls, there was no privacy.

Everyone were looking at each other work, everyone would look at each other eat, or holding  a meeting in this case, and so on.

Which made Alex feel pretty uncomfortable.

He felt impatient, both of his feet were dancing over the office rug, he wanted to know why his manager got him there with his three best friends.

Jamie and Matt looked pretty pissed at him, he had been drinking for almost a week non-stop, actually, he was drunk right now, but he could fake it really good.

'My monkeys, come on in' James their manager popped out out of nowhere and got them into one of those transperents cubicles with a large silver table, a few coffee mugs and silver chairs as well.

They sat down and faked interest while they were looking at eachother almost speaking with their eyes.

Alex zoomed out, he wasn't there, he was thinking what was he going to drink when he got out of there and which girl he could call so he could get a quicky dust.

'So lads, you know why we're here' he began

All of the guys shook their heads in negation.

James stood up and pointed at Alex. 'Because of him' he said

Jamie and Nick looked at Alex very furious, Matt chose to ignore him.

'He has slowly destroyed this band, him with his partying, and his numerous girls has slowly destroy your fan base, those million girls screaming and gasping for you. He has destroyed his lyrics, because you want me to tell you something Alex? Those lyrics for the suck it and see album are shit. Girls don't want to listen to that shit. They want to listen when you feel in love, stop mocking this fucking industry you idiot!' he was shouting at him, his veins were popping out of his skull.

Matt opened his mouth slowly thinking what to say. 'We have lives you know, we can't live like that'

'If you want a few bucks in your pocket and food on your table you'll have to begin thinking about your damn image pretty boys'

Matt sat down, cause he was right.

If we wanted to make a living out of it we had to live by the rules of the industry.

But not Alex, he never agreed to that.

'We quit' he said calmly 'We'll find another record label'

'What? No Alex, sit down' Nick said

'No. I can't live like a fucking puppet doing what this people expect me to do' he said and put on his leather jacket. 'We quit guys'

Matt stood up and eyed Nick and Jamie, they stood up as well and followed Matt and Alex out of the building.

'Don't come crying when you don't find no one!'

'Don't be silly!' Alex said laughing

They walked out of the builing onto the streets with long faces.

'Now what?' Matt asked Alex that was crossing the streets of Los Angeles.

'Now we get a drink'

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