Miles closer

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So as promised. It's Friday it means...New chapter.

I looked him in the eyes and i saw a wave of rage drowning his soul. 

He was starting to sweat and his hair was beginning to look like he just got out of the shower.

'I want to make sure she gets home safe, she gets a little out of herself when she is drunk or… High' he faked a smile.

I started to feel the numbness in my fingers and a whole zoo in my stomach. 

He didn’t wanted me to be with Miles that was more than crystal clear.

'Don't worry pal, i'm not going to do anything to her' he looked at me smiling.

Alex frowned.

'Fine. If that's what she wants then, fine' he said.

He shook Miles hand and eyed me from toes to head.

'Just don't do anything stupid'

'I won't, dad' i smiled and he went walking away.

Suddenly i felt something like nostalgia but not quiet. 

I was getting away from him slowly and silently because he wanted it that way and the reasons were pretty bizarre so it was more than awkward for every one involved in it.

The rest of the night went by pretty fast, Miles was the most adorable and funny guy i have ever met in my life, he made me feel like i was part of something and that i didn’t even had to try hard.

We had a few rounds of tequila and vodka shots so what we had going on would beat Miley’s wrecking ball video when she thought that’d be a great idea.

So yeah, we were pretty much a walking disaster.

We were just outside Alex’s apartment when Miles finished a joke i didn’t quiet understood because it was pretty confusing how a mouse could die from overdose. 

But i did laugh, like i meant it, and it felt so good. 

He brushed my hair away from my face.

From my perspective i must look like a crack-whore right now.

'I had the best time with you tonight' he said smiling softly, like he was tired but happy at the same time.

'Me too, you are so great' i fixed his shirt cause it looked like someone had wreck it.

'I guess we'll see each-other on the media-mini tour' 

'I guess we will' i started to look for my keys and he got closer.

I could feel his warm breath on my forehead.

I started to feel nervous. It felt very similar to the feeling i had when i got kissed for the first time.

'You won't attack me with your purse?' he smiled trying to make me feel confident.

But i did. I felt confident with him. I felt like i had the world in my hands.

I dropped my purse and i wrapped my hands around his neck while i was staring at his mouth in my attempt to look sexy.

He twisted his head to the right a little and he kissed me.

I felt a tingling feeling running down my spine the whole time.

My hands grabbed him tighter and tighter while i tried to make him get closer to me, i felt like i was going to break him in half.

His hands were on my hips securing me, so i couldn’t escape from his grip.

And then he stopped.

He looked at me and i saw adrenaline in his eyes, he took his hands off of me and placed em’ slowly in his pockets in attempt to look confident.

'So, i did my homework, you are home safe' he winked.

He placed a small kiss on my lips and slowly walked away.

I felt like i was floating.

I had the goofiest smiles on my face.

I grabbed my keys and opened the doors with a huge smile on my face.

'Alex, honey, i'm home!' i laughed at my own joke

I entered the apartment and i turned on the lights.

I felt anxious and scared.

Everything was shattered.

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