X-Mas Party Part (2/2)

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We got drunk within two hours of just drinking champagne with nothing in our system but... Champagne.

I danced with Miles all night as he introduced me to some of his friends which by the way were pretty... Unusual.

Alex spent the night with Matt and Jamie, laughing and having a good time, occasionally eyeing in direction to were Miles and i were hanging out.

By twelve we were all wasted, and he announced we were going to have dinner and then the party would continue.

He offered me to sit between him and Alex cause traditionally Alex would sit next to Miles, i took it, for the wrong reasons one would think.

I was pretty dizzy but having a good time, i was laughing a lot, and the food was pretty good.

Miles was telling me about his numerous trips and how he had a pretty rough time backpacking on Greece when he as sixteen, Alex popped in the conversation.

'So lads are ya having a good time?' Alex leaned over and asked.

'Not as much as you, drunken boy' Miles said smiling.

He was drunker than he has ever been. 

He swallowed thick and slow, while he was blinking as if he was about to say something but the food was too good to stop.

'So Jess what do you think?' Miles asked.

'About what?'

'The party...The house, me, hopefully i can get a thought out of you about the last one' he smiled

Suddenly my nerves started to eat me up.

'She likes you' Alex said

'Alex!' i whispered 'Oh god' i buried my face in shame as Miles lifted my face in his cold hands, and looked at me.

'Is that true?' he asked with a victory look on his face

'I...Isn't it too soon to...' i explained.

'I like you' Miles said

I felt the warm of Alex hand caressing my leg under the table, he was faking interest.

He wanted to make me feel awkward so he could get into my mind like he always did.

'No Miles, i like you but...'

'But?' Alex asked with a grin upon a chin.

I sighed in discomfort. 

'Excuse me gentleman, lady, i'm headed to the toilet' Alex said standing up and walking to the bathroom.

God he's such an ass. How could he abandon me in this time of need.

'Miles, i'm feeling light headed...' i said, he looked worried. 'Excuse me for a moment' i got up and started walking in direction to the bathroom.

I walked into a hallway and opened a few doors until i found the bathroom, i got in and locked the door behind me.

I kneed in front of the toilet and i my stomach arched so i felt as if it was rolling over my tummy a few times.

I started to puke, very aggressively, my throat started to burn and everything tasted like stomach waste and passed out of date champagne.

There were a few knocks on the door.

'Go away' i said

'It's me, the prince of persia' he joked

I felt dizzy and sick, i stood up and opened the door letting him in and i got back to my initial position.

He sat on the bathtub and looked at me amused.

'You must be either really drunk or really sick. You look awful' he laughed

'Both' i puked and the noise filled the bathroom

I actually started to feel better, like i was getting the bad things out of my system.

He looked at his cellphone and smiled. 'It's only 1 am' he said

'And?' i closed the toilet and flushed, then i sat facing him.

'Let's go somewhere' he stood up and looked very tall and his long legs looked like they were drew like cartoons.

'Where is somewhere' he helped me and i stood in front of the sink, i took tooth paste and rubbed it with two of my fingers over my teeth.

'Somewhere nice'

He took my arm so i wouldn't loose my balance, and we went walking the other direction from the first door we went through the first time.

We got outside to a huge garden, and we reached the streets as we walked for a few blocks we found a cab.

'To the train station' he said

I opened my eyes wide and smiled. 'Alex, where are we going?'

'I already told you, somewhere nice'

He looked me in the eyes and interlocked his hands on mine.

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