Your arms, like towers

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AN: I really tried and struggled to canalize the feelings in this one. I think Alex in this fanfic is a really complicated and misunderstood individual. And that's what i find attractive about him, and Jessica is totally the opposite she is so positive and so naive. So that's what she likes about Alex. That he is so dark and so complicated.


I heard the broken glass cracking underneath my combat boots.

My heart was pumping fast, so fast, i could feel my fingers pumping as well.

The street lights lit up everything inside the apartment.

Where is Alex?

The blinds were on the floor, all the lamps were broken as well as the tables and the chairs.

All the art that was once hanging on the walls were no longer beautiful paintings you could just sit and look at.

'Alex where are you?' I called

As i felt the panic eating me up alive i came closer to his bedroom door that remained wide open.

I saw on the table a line of cocaine perfectly made.

I got closer listening to the shattered glass cracking underneath me.

'Alex, are you okay?' My voice cracked when i said his name

I entered the room and he was sitting on his bed with only a shirt, a pair of socks and his white Calvin Kleins boxers.

He had a black eye, on his hand he had a bottle of cheap whiskey, and in the other a cigarette that haven't been lit yet.

His socks were painted red.

I kneed in front of him and inspected his bloody fists.

"Don't fucking touch me" he took his hands away from me and looked at me with disgust.

"Alex please, you are bleeding! What happened?" I tried to grab his hands and he once again took them away from me

He laughed wide and loud.

I started to cry silently.

I felt as if someone was choking me with a metal chain.

He sat on the bed again and palmed his side so i could sit next to him.

I felt scared of him.

He wasn't himself.

He looked overwhelmed and anxious.

His hands were shaking and he was cracking his fingers.

I sat.

"Alex, please..." He interrupted me

"Shut up, Jessica, just shut the fuck up. I'm thinking"

I swallowed long and thick.

He took my hand between his, he was cold and wet.

He was sweating but it was freezing.

His brown-honey eyes now looked black. As dark as the most deep corner of the ocean.

He got closer to me and he opened his mouth slowly.

He did it so gracefully it looked like he didn't move.

Like he was part of a picture.

He got closer and placed both of his hands around my neck.

And he kissed me.

He exhaled on me when he switch sides so he could kiss me deeper.

He crawled on top of me.

I could feel his knees around my waist.

He grabbed both of my hands on top of my head, as if i was a prisoner.

He bit and he licked my neck and undressed me with one hand.

My heart was pumping fast, my skin was so sensitive his breath made me feel a tingling sensation on my soul.

I could feel him through his boxers. He was getting excited.

He rolled me on my belly and took my underwear down, without saying a word.

I could feel his eyes cutting through me like razors.

Without warning he was inside me, i moaned in pleasure.

It felt hot and wet.

He took speed really fast, he grabbed my hands on my back and he went as fast as he could.

He was breathing so heavily i thought his lungs were about to explode.

He grabbed me by my neck and kissed my cheeks and my neck tenderly.

He slowed down and he rolled me over.

He kissed a invisible line from my chin to my thighs.

I was gasping for air at this point.

I grabbed him by his hair as he was licking and sucking and biting me.

He was drawing imaginary circles, and he looked up at me to see me agonize in pleasure because of him.

My legs were trembling uncontrollably.

I pushed his head away in impulsiveness but i wanted more.

More of him.

Every part of him.

But i couldn't.

He wouldn't let me.

I moaned when i was done.

I felt the blood in my face making me feel hot like i was standing underneath the sun.

He laid down his head between my breasts and sighed a few times.

He was bouncing upside down on top of me.

Then i realized he was crying.

I was caressing his back with both of my hands but i didn't knew what to do.

We were both painted red at that point.

He gasped for air.

I could already feel the hot tears running down my chest.

I kissed his head multiple times.

'I'm screwed' he said weakly

He composed himself and looked me in the eyes.

'I think i'm falling for you'

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