ll Golden Locks

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I’m going to die.

Whatever got into me last night, i’ll get it exorcised out of me as soon as possible.

I placed my hands over my head and looked at the clock. 11:15 AM.

I stretched over the soft sheets i bought a week ago, and felt a cramp in my head as it pumped several times.

Oh, sweet hangover

'Fuck' i sat back up and walked straight to the bathroom.

I took a shower and checked my phone.

3 missed calls from Mandy

I changed clothes into a plain black dress with boots. I checked myself in the mirror, i looked so wrecked that if i told everyone a truck ran over my face they would probably believe me. Tried putting some make up on to cover my zombie aspect, and it kinda work.

Feeling accomplished i walked out of the apartment onto the sunny streets of Los Angeles.

I stopped for coffee and breakfast on my favorite Cafe nearby called Susie’s.

'Hey Jules, good morning how's your husband?' i smiled

'God you look like shit, doll.' she kissed my cheeks and smiled 'He's still sick, some sort of flu ran over him. The same as every friday?' she took the order down without my acceptance but i nodded cause i loved pancakes and coffee in this place.

Everything looked so vintage, red tables, beige chairs, and roccola player. The waitresses here wore a 50’ish uniform so you kinda felt in that era.

Sat in and in five minutes my breakfast was ready. I didn’t realize how hungry i was until i almost finish eating in less than 8 minutes.

My phone rang.

Mandy" i read and answered.

"You fucking bitch i was worried about you! Weren’t you planning in returning my calls?”

"Man i’m sorry, i just woke up and i’m having breakfast, i have the biggest hangover ever. I’m going to die

Oh shut up. Eat something and get laid. We have a party tomorrow at Evan’s. Remember him?’

"Oh yeah, your guy's cute brother" i said as i walked through the corridor to pay.

Oh he’s not mine… At least not yet, but yeah, that’s Sam, probably you’ll finally meet someone there that caught your attention and so you wont be moaning all day long on how guys bore you to death, lesbo

I walked outside the cafe.

"Oh you are so thoughtful. I love you, come over tomorrow so you tell me what to wear ok?’

Sure babe, love you!' she hang up.

Past a few locals.

'You eat pretty damn slow'

I froze.

'What are you doing here?'

He pointed a building. ‘I live there. Remember?’

I looked at him incredulously. ‘I was hammered yesterday brit boy’

He half smiled. God he looks cute under the sunlight.

I began to walk and he reached onto me. Stared at him horrified.

'Your name was…Johanna?' he guessed 'Jenniffer?' he pointed at me as i made a face on disapproval.

'Just Jess' i stared at him.


'I know, Alex'

 ’So Jess, are you free tomorrow?’ he smiled


'What about on Sunday?' 



'I said no, Alex. I don't know you'

'Well lets make a deal' he grabbed my arm and made me stand still so he can speak to me.

I looked at him amused and bored at the same time ‘What is your huge idea?’

'Well…I have a friend who's having a party tomorrow he just bought a penthouse so he's pretty excited about it and he's having some cool people over' he smiled pointing at him.

God could you be more egocentric?

i shrugged. ‘I have plans for tomorrow night Alex, i can’t’ i kept on walking.

'Jesus fuck stop running woman' he grabbed me again 'Ok. I know this must be weird for ya. But if you are in the mood for food or coffee later, i can take you so, you'll get to know me. Does it sounds good for the lady?'

I smiled. ‘If you were less creepy and more polite i would have agreed to lots of stuff you know?’ i said looking at his big brown eyes. He was so intimidating.

'Lots of stuff?' he smiled

'Oh c'mon don't get excited. I'll come over your place after work and grab a coffe yeah?'

He smiled and pull his hand in the air so i could shake it. ‘Deal love’

I let go, and started walking towards my job. ‘Don’t follow people, you might get arrested’ i laugh

'Not if the person likes it, golden locks!' he waved goodbye smiling back and headed the other way. 

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