Before the hit and run

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Ok, so. This is going to get so good i have so many things in mind to take this fic to so i can surprise you. I'm so in love and excited with this fanfic, i feel completely egocentric right now, but i don't care, enjoy!


He looked very serious and stiff, almost like he was a mannequin.

His arms were crossed in a big X in front of his chest.

And the sun was roasting the gel on his air, so he was sweating like crazy.

'Jessica, are you listening to me?' he repeated.

I was sitting trying to focus on what Matt was saying but i couldn’t cause that wasn’t what i wanted to hear.

I kept zooming out, and i kept finding myself narrating what had happened last night in my mind like those old cassettes my mom used to put in the car and a woman would tell a story.

'To be sincere, no' i said 

'You can't be with him, you are destroying his career, instead of making him better you are blocking all of his emotions'

'I'm not with him' i said 'We just like each other' i shrugged 

'Well at some point Alex is going to grow some massive balls and you will be together' he sighed taking his glasses off. 'And you won't agree to that' he said pinting his index finger straight to my nose.

'And what do i do? Break the man's heart? So i can get a few songs were he's calling me a bitch poetically?' i said 

'Exactly' he smiled and that wasn't the answer i was expecting from Matt 'He can't write good lyrics when he is in love'

'Matt, i like you. But i can't do that to him' i said turning around in direction to the tour bus door and he blocked the way with his arm.

I looked at him bored and tired of this non-sense favor.

'Just make him think everything is rainbows and butterflies, and then fucking break his heart in a thousand pieces' he even made the form of Alex's heart breaking with his hands.

I stared at him, fulminating him with my eyes.

'Are you listening to yourself?' i said with a hell of a expression in my face and making it more dramatic by moving my hands in the air in a form of exagerating what i was saying.

How could a person ask another person to literally break a heart. His best friend’s heart just because he wants him to write some "good lyrics", isn't that a little... Egocentric? 

'I'm not proud of what i'm asking you to do. He is my best friend and i love him, but you are his Kryptonite right now' he said pinching my cheeks with his hands and smiling. 

'I don't want him to hate me'

'Who could hate you?'  he popped out beside me and i begged to any omnipotent being so he would not had heard what we said.

He looked so beautiful under the sun with his hair back down and his rayban aviators, i couldn’t even touch his skin without thinking he would break in million pieces by then.

'Jamie. She wants to sleep in the back of the tour bus' Matt said changing the subject quickly almost like he got it figured out before.

'And she will,even if Jamie hates her. I think she needs to walk around naked without getting caught on the eye of four guys, don't you think?'

I smiled at his comment, and he went in on the bus jogging on the stairs.

'Think about it, he won't hate you, make him think that he did it'

'Did what?'

'Provoked the break up'

'We are not in a romantic relationship for god sake, how can you break something that doesn't exist'

'Well, you are in a tour bus, with him' he went in. 'I think there is something "existing"' he closed the last word in some imaginary quotes.

How can you break something you like? Something you enjoy so much?

It’s like if you grab everything you love and throw it in a trash can and the set it on fire and then sitting there and watch it destroy itself.

It’s like a slow suicide.

I went in and all the guys looked at me like they knew what Matt had told me and why i had such a long face.

I went walking to the back of the bus and i saw Alex placing my bags on the bed, he smiled sweetly when i walked in.

I turned around and closed the door behind me and i saw Matt doing an expression of negation like if i was going to tell him that his best friend wants me to break his heart, yeah, that’s an every day thing.

'Alex can i talk to you?'

He looked at me with concern and worry on his face. ‘Are you okay?’

'No, yeah i'm fine it's not that' i said 'Do you remember back at the hotel?'

I felt a knot in my throat and a heavy weigh on my shoulders as if someone was choking me.

'About what?' he said sitting on the bed without loosing his glance on me.

He looked so innocent and so worried. I don't want to be the responsible of breaking him and saving him at the same time.

'When you told me…'he interrupted me

'That i loved you?' he smiled 'Yes i remember'

'Well about that…' i said sitting next to him.

'I do love you' he repeated and he grabbed my hand looking me in the eyes with the most heart warming smile he has ever given to me ever, or anyone.

'Alex' i looked at his eyes deeply and i kissed his hand in mine 'I love you' it felt like i puked my heart out.

His eyes lit up like two huge volcanos erupting at the same time and i felt happy.

I felt like the most happy person ever.

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