When Everything Went Nuts

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AN: It's midnight here and my mind wont shut up and do the sleeping job so i'm gonna write something cool for ya. Btw i applied for a psycology degree at a university in Los Angeles and i got in!!!! I could die from happiness right now, sorry i haven't been posting so much, there's been a lot going on with the moving and the college but hopefully i'll be completely free in two weeks and i'll be posting long chapters then! XO

Listening to your own footsteps it's kinda annoying when you are completely done with your life at some point.

I was holding a cigarrette he had gave me on my left hand and his hand on the other as i tried to keep up with his pace cause he walked like someone was chasing him to kill him but of course... He couldn't slow down, not for me.

'Just relax and pretend, it's easy' he said walking nonchalantly in front of me, and of course, it was coming from a man who just had ten beers and five glasses of wine.

The street lights casted beautiful shadows on his grey suit.  It almost looked like they were originally printed on it.

The sound of his Steve Madden boots made me feel like i was listening to Bethoven while going through a hangover. But they were perfectly tuned to the sound of the few cars turning their engine on  at the street across.

'Stop running i can't keep up on these heels' i said  'I am going to lie to your mom and your father's face and you know it and you are completely good with this'

He bursted laughing and it made me smile, he then slowed down a little and turned around to face me.

'Everything will be okay yeah?' he said and it reminded me to one of those parents on tv that makes you feel like everything will be okay and then someone gets shot or something.

'Alex i just can't do this...' i said and stopped.

He looked at me with worry on his face and grabbed my hand. 'I have a surprise for you' he said 'But you have to attend to your own engagement party soon-to-be Miss.Turner' he said laughing at his own joke, yeah like it was that funny.

He hopped on some stairs and lead me to a white door.

The apartment was placed in the center of Sheffield and it was so cold i could have died just there, except for the tiny warm i felt from his hand holding mine.

He rang the doorbell and turned around to smile at me again, as he was fixing his shirt a little where he refused to put a tie on because he insisted he looked like James Bond, which i thought was a very cool look.

'You look gorgeous don't be nervous' 

The door opened up and a middle age woman around 50 or 55 stood there, she was wearing a green dress and her white hair was pushed back.

Her brown eyes lit up the entire street as Alex opened up his arms on a hug.

'Momma' he said while he was hugging her so tight i thought she was going to break in half.

Suddenly i realized that i actually am going to get married to this man and it was all fake... The wedding was fake, this engagement thing was fake, maybe him telling me that he loved me was fake!

I love him. Is that  why i am doing this?

What if i dont? 

What if i am fake too?

Jesus i am just twenty six years old i can't keep up with this shit. 

'Oh this is the beautiful Jessica!' the woman hugged me so tight like i was her long lost daughter 'I have heard so much about you! You can call me Penny dear' she smiled and her strong british accent made me shiver a little.

Alex pushed me so i could walk first into his parents house.

'Come on in! It's cold outside' she said as he closed the door.

It smelled like the 60's.

Everything was so vintage and so old it was very beautiful.

There were a lot of pictures and vinyls decorating the living room and a brown old couch with matching chairs in the living room were the fire place was burning.

A record player caught my eye, it was the center piece of the whole household.

'So tell me Jessica what are you planning for the wedding, child?' she smiled and made a movement like she forgot something 'David hurry they're here!' she seemed so excited about the whole thing.

I turned around so i could get Alex support and lies and i saw him smiling.

And it wasn't a fake smile.

It was a genuine smile, his eyes were shinning like a child.

He wrapped me on his arms and kissed me on the cheek. 'Ma she has great plans for this one, of course we'll be glad for you to help us out'

'You'll get married at Los Angeles right?'


'Yes' we said on unison

She looked confused. 

'I told you sweetheart i wanted to get married on the beach' i smiled

'Of course love, i completely forgot about that. My mother always told me... Please the love of your life' he kissed my forehead.

'Oh, Penny you have such an amazing son' we smashed our forheads together.

'Oh dear, don't have to remind me that, let me get you something to drink' she said on a hurry as i looked at Alex and we both laughed at our little act.

'The love of your life huh?' i said

'Sweetheart? What are you 40?' he said 

 The doorbell rumbled inside the house and Alex offered to open it.

He walked gracefully and laughing as he opened it he shook his head and smiled.

'Ohhh look it's the groom!'  i froze.


He looked lean and tall with his black suit and messy hair.

What is he doing here?

I suddenly felt the urge to run away and hide and never come back.

I looked at Alex, he was having such an amazing time contemplating my misery.

'Oh babe look your surprise!' he laughed holding me from my hips.

You son of a bitch. 

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