What actually happened

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Final chapter. Then in a few weeks i'm going to seat and work on the sequel like i promised. Hope you like this.

'I need your words. You are a writer, you know what to say and when to say it. You know more words than a normal or regular person could ever know, please, just say something. And don't be a dick' i said in my white dress. I felt like a cheap version of Cinderella.

He hugged me. 'I'm so sorry' he said kissing my head softly. I could barely feel it. 

'You can do so much better' i said burying my head on his chest.

He grabbed me by my face. 'In moments like these you realize stuff dont you?' he smiled warmly.

'I love you' i said 'I don't care if you are an asshole or anything' i said kissing his soft cheeks.

'You are the most beautiful human being i've ever known' he said 'And i'm not gonna lie huh? I feel like a baby playing mommy and daddy' he laughed.

'We wont be playing mommy and daddy, i'm just helping you out'

'How lucky am i? My favorite person in the entire world is helping me out' his eyes looked tired, as if he hadn't got any sleep last night.

He palped his pockets. 'Shit'

'What?' i asked

'I forgot the rings on the hotel room' he said 'Im running be right back'

'Dont' too late 'Hurry!'

I saw his tall and large figure running away until he got mixed up with other people.

'Everything is going to be okay. It's almost like some movie scene right? I practiced my lines, i do, i do, i do' i said into the mirror.

'Did you write your vows already?' Miles said walking inside the little room i was waiting in.

'What the fuck are you doing here? I'm calling security you bastard' i said grabbing my phone.

'Who? Matt? Your boyfriend?'

'You weren't invited' i said.

'I'm here to tell you that you always thought yout boyfriend was the one who was nuts, but you didn't see right through the problem did you?' he said smiling and turning around. 

'I don't want you in my wedding' i said.

'I'm not here to stay love'

He went out of the room and Matt went in five minutes later.

'Yo i saw Miles' he said 'Alex told me that he didn't wanted him here'

'He's gone, don't worry'

'Wait, and Alex? Where is he?'

I turned around and laugh remembering Alex confused face when he realized he had forgotten the rings.

'He forgot to bring the rings to you'

'But i have the rings' he smiled 

Now i was the confused one. 'Can i borrow hmm... Your cellphone?'

He handed his iphone to me, i searched through his contacts and phoned Alex.

It rang once.

It rang twice.

'Hey Matty Matt mate' he said

'It's Jessie' i said

'Love' he changed his voice inmediately 

'Where are you?' i said not letting him finish 'I swear that if you are drinking we are going to have a problem'

'No. I mean, i went to the hotel room and i searched for the rings and they're not there...' i interrumpted him.

'Of course their not, Matt have them'

'I'm just having a beer i am a little nervous' a knot formed inside my throat and i looked at Matt straight in the eye.

'I don't give a fuck Alex, you promised me you were not going to drink anything today'

'Someone is getting spanked tonight!' Matt said to the phone laughing and Alex laughed.

'I'm serious, when are you coming?'

'Are you mad?' 

'Of course i'm mad' 

'Do you love me still?' he asked amused.

'Of course i love you' Matt smiled.

'And i love you too'

Suddenly i heard how his cellphone crash onto something and the breaks of a few cars.

'Alex?' i asked

Then i heard people running around and the sound of the cars closing doors.

'Alex, answer me please?' i felt a knot on my stomach running up my throat.

'Is he okay?' i heard.

'Oh my god! Call an ambulance!'

My tears started to run down my face. 'Alex? Please answer me'

'What's wrong?' Matt asked.

'Call 911! Right now!'

'Matt we need to go to the hospital' i said taking my shoes off.

'What happened?' he said standing up.

'I don't know, i dont know lets just go'

Please. I need your words.

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