Author's note

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God i'm sooooo happy. I had been to LA before but it wasn't longer than a week and i didn't fell in love with it.

I'm just in the middle of San Francisco and California and i wake up and walk around the beach every single morning.
There's this awesome pub just in front of my building where there's this band that plays awesome covers of some other awesome bands every night. Now i fully understand why every musician, poet, writer and fashion designer in this planet lives here.
Its to die for.
I rented a car and i'm living in a very nice apartment with two bedrooms, two bathrooms and the most awesome view.
The question i have gotten the most is "have you bumped into any celeb yet?" No i haven't.
So yeah, there's that.

And school its so freaking cool.
So let me explain, i'm from Latin America but i grew half of my life at Texas and London so besides my messed up accent theres always something excellent coming out from not staying in one place too long.


It's december and it's shiny as summer ever was.
So yeah, this is a little piece of my life, and i hope you enjoy sharing some pieces with me, feel free to.
There will be not one, but two! Long chapters tomorrow, i'm working on it for you so you love it as much as you do now.
Greetings, you are awesome.
And thank you so much for your patience.

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