A deal and a breakfast

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The sweat was running down my chest. 

I felt cold, and wet. 

I rolled over the king size bed and opened one eye up.

It was amazingly shiny outside, it looked like it was really early.

I stood up and stretched my legs out of the bed, i peeked outside from inside the bedroom and saw no one so i went out.

It looked very different in the daylight. 

I sat on the silver dining table Alex had in his kitchen and saw some bills.

I know its rude to peek on people’s mail, and also… Illegal.

Ok, so, maintenance, water and other services, electricity and other fuels…’ i read the total and my jaw dropped ‘Holy shit, 3000$?’

I don’t even make 3000$ in six months and he has to pay this monthly? This a catastrophe.

If he’s “broke” how does he pay this?

I kept looking through the mail and saw some more letters like the first one.

Oh of course, he hasn’t payed yet.

Oh my god.

'Mr Turner, we warn you that if you don't pay your bills by the end of the month you will be evicted from your home…'

'What the fuck are ya doing?' he took the mail from my hands.

I looked at him, eyes wide open. I felt scared for him.

'You are going to be evicted?'

'I asked what the fuck?' he looked at me angry. 'That's personal Jessica' now he looked ashamed.

'I'm sorry, i'm just so worried about you'

'What are you anyways? My mother? My girlfriend? No, you're not. So your job is not to' he piled up his mail 'You have your own problems'

He grabbed his keys and put on his jacket. ‘Get dressed we are going for breakfast and i’m dropping you home’

'Alex please, talk to me' i begged.

'I'm mad right now' he said 'Get dressed, please'

I obeyed him, i put on my dry clothes and followed him down the stairs.

We walked on mute one block away and sat outside a restaurant, we looked silently at the menus, ordered and he lit up a cigarette.

'It's 8 in the morning'

'I smoke all the time' 

'Now, would you talk to me?'

He sighed.

'You are the one making everything complicated, getting into fights, and kissing girls'

He stared at me. ‘You can’t be with me’

I grate my teeth. ‘I’m not afraid of you’

The food came and we shut up for a minute.

Then he composed himself.

'I'm an alcoholic, broke, musician, followed by groupies, and the worst, a misunderstood soul' he whispered.

'Yeah you forgot a candidate for lung cancer' i took his cigarette and bashed it on an ashtray.

I looked into his eyes. ‘Don’t be so proud. You can trust me’ i smiled.

'I don't trust anybody. But if you are worried because you feel guilty for not doing something, then you are wrong. You didn't even existed when this happened' he started eating.

'Why didn't we had sex the other night'

He stopped chewing.

'You know, the night we met. I was insecure but you didn't do anything'


'Because why?'

He rolled his eyes ‘Because i liked you’

I laughed ‘What the hell?’ i started eating ‘What kind of answer is that’

'The ones i give'

'So you don't like me now?' i asked 

'No. You are a pain in the ass' he took a sip of coffee 'You are a snoopy girl, so no'


'Lets make a deal' i inquired

'And then you'll  leave me alone?'

No ‘Yes, i will’

'Ok, i'm listening'

'You have some trouble, so, i'm willing to help. I like you, you are fun and weird. And if you need anything i'm here for you' i sighed 'You can stay with me if you want or, i can help you pay your rent'

He was serious. He stopped chewing.

'You are not a scammer are ya?' he asked

'Of course not, cross my heart'

'And you promise you wont show pitty for me?'

'I absolutely promise'

'And you'll cook cause i can't coook'

'Whatever you say master' i drank from the coffee cup

He looked for something in his pocket and handed me a key.

'Welcome' he put his sunglasses on and threw a 50 dollar bill on the table. 'See you at home sweetheart' he winked

This is going to be interesting.

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