No matter how many 'i love you's

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Ok guys, the next chapter will be uploaded later today yeah? Promise. This is so intense and so sad and so repulsive.


Alex choke with the food running down his throat.

The only sound in the room was his mother's chit chats, and the forks an knives slicing the food on our plates.

'Mom i don't think that's an appropriate question' he said, composing himself and going back to his natural pigmentation.

She laughed modestly. 'Oh c'mon dear, we are almost 60 years old we don't go bumping-jumping on each other like we used to 30 years ago, it's an interesting fact that my son is getting married to this beautiful girl'

'Woman' he clarified

I smiled at that statement coming out of his mouth.

Miles and Matt were very uncomfortable almost like they were sitting in the table full of german people.

'So darling have you chosen your dress?'

'No mam' i said quietly suddenly feeling nostalgic about the whole thing.

'Are your parents coming?'

I looked at my hands and i started thinking.

'No mam'

Alex looked at me as if he was asking me with his eyes why was i giving such short and cold answers.

'And why is that?'

'They um... They passed away a long time ago'

Everyone looked at me and then at Alex's mom almost like she said a forbidden word.

'Don't worry i was just a baby, there's no harm' i smiled

Alex was staring at me with such pity in his eyes, he grabbed my hand under the table and i shook it off.

Those intended acts of affection made me feel uncomfortable because they were real, and his mother was just in front of us, not because i didn't enjoy it.

'Well Jessica, it will make me very happy to walk you down the aisle' Alex's dad said smiling with such care on his eyes.

He looked so much like Alex.

Same strong hands, same tone on his voice, same smell.

It made me feel so secure and safe as if was about Alex himself.

'That's great dad, but...' I interrupted him.

'Nothing would make me happier sir' i said

He smiled warmly back at me.

Miles took his glass of wine and took his fork and hit it a few times against it making us jump like cats a little.

'So Jess, Alex. I'm very happy for you guys' Miles said grabbing his glass of wine 'I have known Alex my entire life. And well, Jessica i don't know you so well but you dating Alex for just a month makes me feel like you are so perfectly built for each other, almost like... What do you call it? Alex? Soul mates?' He smiled and grabbed his cup of wine tighter 'for the bride and groom, i hope your marriage lasts for a least six months so she can keep all your shit you fucking asshole'

The guys looked at each other i guess as confused as we all were.

Did he just called Alex a fucking asshole?

Alex was smiling and his parents were full of resentment and anger and they felt insulted.

'Miles what are you talking about?' I said

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