When was the last time you told someone you loved them?

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The last chapter of the year. What are you going to do tonight? I am going out with my friends and we are going to the beach to watch some fireworks and then we are going to some Bar called the viper or something, i wish you all a very happy new year and begginings, the last chapter of this fanfiction is close, so, you better keep on it. Val.

And theres a video that actually makes you sad while reading this. 

Despair in the departure lounge - Arctic Monkeys


One hour after the wedding.

My tears were running down my face and i came to the realization i would have made it at time if i had took a cab.

But who the fuck takes a cab in Los Angeles.

I ran so hard i thought my toe nails were falling off my feet, i was grabbing my dress so i could run faster and trying to avoid bumping into people so i could get there.

Oh god.

When was the last time you told someone you loved them?

Because i did. A minute ago.

I kept listening to this imaginary alarms in my head and they were driving me crazy, and they weren’t just any alarms, they were like  ambulance alarms.

And i kept thinking about that mind soul connection people sometimes have?

What if we are connected? What if i am listening what he is listening to?

I reached the entrance to the hospital and everyone kept looking at me like i was a fucking lunatic.

But who are they to blame? I looked like a fucking lunatic, you don’t see a crazy woman, crying, in her wedding dress, barefoot, every day right?

I was gasping for air because of the crying and because of the jogging.

'Where is he?' i asked 

I saw the doctors and a few patients crying and doing their jobs, nurses running here and there, it smelled like dead people.

'Matt?' i saw him siting in the floor with his head between his legs, he was still wearing his suit and his tie was rolled up on his hand.

'You made it!' he said standing up, he was swollen because of the crying, and he held me between his arms.

As soon as my body detected the warm of his body i bursted crying. Because it wasn’t fair.

It wasn’t fair you could come to the conclusion you loved someone when they were in the hospital, probably on his deathbed. And i have been with him for a long time, i could have come to this clear realization way earlier.

'It's not fair' i said sobbing and pressing my hands in his chest.

My head started to hurt. Like when i wanted to manipulate my parents to get candy i would cry the whole day, and then at the end of the day my head would hurt like a bitch.

I already miss him.

Like he is gone.

'He has internal bleeding and he broke a few bones…' Matt said looking me in the eye.

'Is he…' i breathe in 'Is he going to make it?' i cried again.

It was like my whole body was made of tears, i couldn’t keep them in.

'Yes of course he is' he said hugging me again grabbing my head against his chest. 'That motherfucker has more lives than a cat does'

I laughed and i sat in the floor as i palped the floor next to me so he could sit there.

'I love him you know?' i said dropping my head on his shoulder.

'I know you do'

And the waiting began there, we sat next to each other for five hours, we saw all kind of people walk before us, in all kind of clothes and they were speaking in all kind of languages.

So i’ve learned hospitals are a paralell universe were everyone gathers.

His snoring filled the thick walls of my existance in that very moment, i heard footsteps and then a warm voice woke us up.

'Are you two Alexander Turner's family?' a concerned man kneed in front of us.

He was young. Not much older than i was.

'I am… I am his wife' i said

He looked at my dress. ‘Yes i can see that’ and smiled warmly and then he looked at the chart he had in his hand. 

'Well Miss Turner… Your husband is in a critical condition right now' he said

If that wasn’t a heart attack i dont know what it was.

'…And he may have trouble walking or even speaking fast, or losing some memories' he sighed 'He may not loose it completely, but some of it'

'What do you mean loose it?' i asked 'Is he going to be different?' i started to panic.

'He may…' Matt interrupted him.

'Stop saying he may and say what the fuck will happen mate'

He eyed him insulted and stood up. ‘The thing is, he is not awake yet, so we may still use the may’

'What do you mean by that?' Matt asked 'That he is comatose or something?'

'No, he's just unconscious, but we do not know which consequences this accident may bring'

'Stop saying 'may' you fucking cheap version of greys anatomy' Matt said and walked away.

When was the last time you told someone you loved them?

It doesn’t matter when, because it’s never enough.


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