You were practicing a magic trick

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I walked through his building doors and ran up the stairs, thinking, this might not be a good idea. I mean, we were both one night stands and now i’m here.In the plain daylight going for ‘coffee’ with this guy.

I passed a few doors and stood up in front of one who had the number 6 on it. 

Ok. If he is inviting me for coffee its because either he likes me or he wants to finish what he couldn’t finish drunk.

And if i’m here its because i like him or… I don’t know. I'll have to find out.

Am i so curious to find this out or so coward to not?

Is this a good idea? What if he is some sort of rapist? Some sort of murderer? Some sort of something?

He kinda has the looks for it. I mean he’s always dressed in black, hair pushed back and he’s very polite.

Aren’t psychotic people the most smart, polite, and good looking people? 

I placed my fist on the door and closed my eyes.

Knock, knock

I waited and heard footsteps on the other side.

The door opened up to show his perfectly black and neat outfit, his super fresh gel-on hair, and a smile that was shinning with happiness.

He was so attractive and so cozy.

I felt i couldn’t move and i felt i could watch him forever. Just for fun.

Both of us stared at each other, checking ourselves out. The only difference was that now, i was smiling too.

'I thought you wouldn't come lady' - he grabbed his keys and closed the door.

'I.. I'm here' he kissed both of my cheeks.

'Right on. Let's go grab some coffee pretty. Any place in particular?' he smiled at me

I nodded.

He jogged down the stairs and he stood up ten footsteps from me then looked at me with half smile on his face.

'You look very nice golden locks. Its all of that because of me?' he pointed at himself.

'No. I'm just this way. But if it was because of you, you would know that already' i laughed

We walked for a while. Dropping a silly and sarcastic comment here and there. Until we made it to the coffee shop.

It was nice, it had a wooden-like style. You could see part of the city nicely from here.

'What would you like to have?' he asked winking at me

'I'd like a latte please' he got up without saying anything and commanded something i couldn't hear to the waitress in the other side of the bar.

He then came over and sat down crossing his legs, and re-arrenging his hair.

'You do know why we're here right?' he smiled

'Because i said i didn't know you and you want me to?'

'Not exactly, lovely. But close'

'Where is that accent from? You didn't answer the other night' i smiled

'Why? Do you like it?' he laughed

'Actually i do'

The waitress came up with our coffees and Alex thanked her for the both of us.

I took a sip, and pour some sugar on it.

'Sheffield' he answered then

'Oh that's nice' i took a sip

'Are you planning on coming to the party i told you about?'

'Is not that i don't want to...I told you i have plans'

He brushed my hair away from my face and placed his hand on the table, he was playing with the napkins.

'I think you don't see it because you think i'm an arsehole, but i really enjoy having you around' he smiled and look at me into the eyes.

'That doesn't mean i don't have plans' i blushed 'Besides don't you have a girlfriend or something?'

He smiled. ‘Do you think getting hammered at a bar alone, picking a random girl to take to my apartment and then getting dump by her makes me look like i have a girlfriend?’

'I don't know. You don't seem the kind of guy that is used to be alone'

'You are wrong goldilocks. I really enjoy my own company' he shrugged 'What about you? Any handsome prince?'

I thought for a moment. Maybe he was as transparent as he showed himself to me. Maybe he felt secure talking to me au contraire to me. I felt like someone was choking me with his bare hands, i had no tongue and i was shaking like i had the worst fever.

'No there's no one'

He smiled with pride. ‘I was hoping there wasn’t’

He made me laugh ‘Is that so?’

'Of course'

I crossed my legs and noticed he wouldn’t take his eyes off of me.

'Alex. Were you following me this morning?'

'Of course not. What do you think i am? Some psychopath? I was out for coffee and i saw your goldilocks past me by so i waited for ya outside your coffee shop because i couldn't shut my mind about you'

To be honest, i thought i wasn’t going to meet him again. Like always it was a flash meeting. But it appears to be that i’m very wrong.

'I wanted to run into you' i explained

'You did? I wanted it too' he smiled 'And i want to meet you again'

'Do you have to go?' i was sad suddenly

'Yes, love. But i have your number and you are going to the party' he handed me a piece of paper with an address on it.


'I'll see you tomorrow night' he stared at me 'I normally don't admit stuff like this but i'm really looking forward to it'

'You seem like fun' i smiled

'Oh baby you'll have all the fun to yourself. I'll talk to you later'

He went out the coffee shop jogging and talking on the phone with his sunglasses on.

I looked at the paper

Burbank, CA 9008 #23-7 

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