I am pretty fucking sure. But... (A moment in Alex's head)

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Two days before the prenup, the wedding is three days away.

I swear to god, if she doesn't shut up in one minute i might strangle her to death.

What is up with gals and dresses anyway? 

Worse. What is up with moms and their sons girlfiends dresses?

I'am going to tell you what is up, so that can be clear for you.

There's this experiment two bored motherfuckers in Seattle made, where they were showing multiple pictures to girls laying on these MRI machines, and they would show them these pictures, of puppies, men, cars, skylines or whatever.

But then, they showed them pictures of clothes, and that machine lit up like a christmas tree.

So now this is like a never ending christmas for me you'll see. 

We have been in this store for two long hours and she hasn't tried anything yet.


'Alex if you are going to sit in there and frown, leave' my mother said.

I faked a smile and she sent one for me. 

'Ok Penny, i am going to try this one' Jess said, she looked tired.

Her eyes were swollen and she didn't had a pinch of make up on but they looked greener than ever.

She looked beautiful. I loved the bags under her eyes, made her look like rock n roll.

She got in and my mother sat next to me and looked at me as she used to before she was going to reprimend me for something.

'Are you sure?' she said and grabbed my hand in hers. I looked at the wrinkles under her eyes and kissed her forehead.

There is no other person that would stay with someone like me.

And she did.

There is no person in this world that would offer to help me pay my apartment and... She did.

Her eyes lit up like a fucking baseball field every time i told her i loved her, and my eyes lit up like the fucking titanic electrocuting itself underwater everytime i saw those eyes.

So yes, i am pretty fucking sure.

The thing is...

She is pretty fucking smart you'll see.

She is always ten steps ahead of me, but not this time. Not this time pretty lady.

I know she loves me, and i know she is scared because she hasn't loved anyone else in her entire life. You wanna know how i know that?

She expects stuff back.

Thats the rule number one in falling in love.

Or was it in not being heartbroken? Well, for me it's pretty fucking the same thing.

We are going to apply this rule to the game: 

1. What's mine is mine, and what's yours is yours.

She is mine and i am hers. But my things are mine and her things are hers. Except our house.

Yeah, that should be mine too. But i bought it thinking about us living there and i feel more calm with myself thinking that we have something that is ours.

I was just about to run out of thoughts.

When she got out and she made the whole world stop, turn black and white and made a Patsy Cline record play on the background.

She was looking straight to the floor nervous perhaps.

'Oh my darling!' my mother said.

She looked up at her and then she looked at me half smiling.

But i was speachless. I thought that the first sunset i saw in LA having who i thought was the love of my life in my arms at the moment, with my favorite beverage and the realization that everything was in its place forever was the most beautiful thing i have ever experienced, but i was wrong.

She is.

And even thought i want to strangle her everytime she speaks about something too many times, and makes me lose my temper, and worries to much about me...

I love her.

I am pretty fucking sure. But...

My shit is mine.

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