X-Mas Party (1/2)

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I heard a dry and intense scream coming from his bedroom, it filled all of the rooms in the apartment.

It must have been passed 9 o'clock cause we were getting ready to go to Miles xmas party.

I dropped everything i was doing and went walking fast to the next room where Alex was taking a nap.

When i saw him it took me by surprise how sweaty and messy he was, he was rolling over the same spot like he was fighting something... Or someone.

'Alex? Wake up' i said standing next to his king sized bed.

'You don't fucking touch me' he was still having a nightmare.

'Alex!' i said this time closer and he opened his eyes heavily breathing, the sweat was dripping down his face into his neck and chest.

'I'll fucking kill him!' he said, he didn't realized he was awake yet.

'Alex!' i grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him off.

He slapped me as i opened my mouth in a big o.

'Holy shit Jess i'm so sorry' he woke up and ran to the kitchen and ran over again sliding on the floor because of his socks  'I'm so sorry Jess i was having a bad dream' he handed me a pack of ice

'Yeah i noticed' damn it hurt like a hundred needles pinching my face 'Nothing make up won't cover up' i tried to make him feel better.

'I'm so sorry' he repeated

'It's okay, you didn't punched me this time' i laughed 

'Yeah this time, you said it' he sat on the bed with his face on his hands and sighed, then looked at me from toes to head and smiled. 'If Miles doesn't like you he must be a dumb son of a bitch' he smiled tired and stood up in front of me grabbing the pack of ice 'Let me see' he touched my cheek tenderly 'It's nothing, go get ready, i'll make it up to you' he kissed my forehead and went out the room.

'Alex' i said and his head popped up on the door frame.

'Yes love?' he said eyeing his watch

'Who were you going to kill?' i asked.

His expression went blank and he looked into the floor, he laughed 'No one, it was just a bad dream. I'm going to wait for you downstairs'

I nodded.

I finished my make up into a smoky eye kinda type of make up and went downstairs were Alex was waiting for me already in a cab.

He was wearing his most expensive suit, a blue one with a mustard shirt underneath and his hair pushed back.

He looked to die for.

The breeze was really cold and the smog made Los Angeles look very scary every night.

Really getting into Xmas this year.

We dropped a silly comment here and there cause the both of us felt awkward because of what happened earlier so we choose not to talk about anything until it passed.

'Here mate' Alex handed the cab a few dollars and we got down.

'This is Miles house?' my jaw dropped

'Yes, come here' i followed

How could i start... The gardens were the type of gardens people make in reality extreme make over tv, the walls were filled with white bricks all over, there were these huge windows that looked like they were taken from a castle or something, it had three stories, like ten cars parked outside, and on each door was a security guy.

Which by the way, were pretty creepy.

'Names please' one said

'Jessica Ames and Alex Turner' i said

'Ohhhh Alex Turner' he eyed me 'And Miles girlfriend, of course come inside, special guests'

'Miles girlfriend?' i asked

Alex laughed awkwardly 'Why would he invited you here if he didn't like you?'

Every color and decoration in the house was pink, purple and red and made it look like it was some sort of gay-stripper bar.

There was a huge Xmas tree in the middle of the living room, a huge one.

Lots of people i didn't knew of.

'I don't know Alex, you just don't invite someone you barely know and tell everyone is your girlfriend'

'He hasn't told everyone' he rolled his eyes 'Yet' he sipped his drink and gave it to me 'I must admit, i'm a little jealous'

I opened my eyes wide 'Jealous?'

He nodded 'he'll be hanging out all night with the most beautiful woman in this party'

I blushed why was Alex being so sweet? Did he felt guilty because of the slap? Probably, he wasn't like this.

'He's right' he appeared behind us

 It was Miles.

He was on a grey suit and a pink shirt with a few golden bracelets and two champagne bottles on his hands. He looked very handsome, but Alex overshadowed anyone who could be brave enough to stand next to him.

'Hi' i said awkwardly 'Beautiful house'

'Like you' he smiled 'Alex mate, are you looking to make some ladies crazy in that suit? Or what?' he smiled

'Oh no' He popped his collar and smiled like he was invincible 'Just one in particular' he looked at me

'Stop it' i mouthed and he laughed.

'Is someone in loveeeee?' Miles fooled.

'Mate, i must be, i'm driving myself nuts'

I smiled at him admiring him.

Miles looked at the both of us and noticed there was something going on, he quickly broke the not-so-awkward silence.

'Champagne?' Miles asked

'Champagne' Alex and i said and nodded.

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