Moving I(o)n

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AN: Strong content in this one... 

Hope you enjoy this

I spoke to the real state agent in charge of my apartment and made a deal.

My apartment is now for rent, and i’m going to get paid 500$ monthly because its a loft.

I finished packing and called Mandy so she could pick me up.

In less than 30 minutes she was on my front door with her boyfriend and the three of us managed to put everything on his pick up truck by the end of the hour.

We were driving down the street across from Alex’s building.

The night was very illuminated by the street lights.

'Are you sure about this?' Luke asked turning of his engine.

'Yeah, of course, i felt alone in the other apartment. Besides i have to pay less in here' i lied.

'No. I mean the guy. Is he ok? He doesn't look… Stable' Mandy said getting my stuff on the ground.

I rolled my eyes and hugged her. ‘He is great’ i said giving her a comforting look.

I opened the black gate on the building and went upstairs so i could leave the apartment door open.

Alex was standing in front of the door, amused. 

'Why are you so bipolar?' i asked 

'What are you talking about?' he said

'You know what i mean, you are smiling, but in an hour you are going to yell at me and drop a comment that will make me feel like shit' 

He laughed ‘Don’t be silly, love’ he sighed ‘Do you remember in school when boys pulled your hair and stuck bubble gum on it and the teachers told you that they did that because they liked you?’

I looked at him nonchalantly. ‘Yes?’

'Well, i might be that kind of guy, maybe' he walked down the stairs.

'Alex where are you going?' i asked irritated

'I invited the guys over to watch some movies, and Matt offered to help you with your stuff' he smiled 'They're downstairs' he disappeared. 

I opened the apartment door and placed the boxes on the guest room so i wouldn’t bother Mister Master of The Universe.

When i went outside i bumped into Matt and Evan that were carrying two boxes.

'Oh guys hi! Thank you so much for helping'

'Don't worry love' Matt said 'If Alex wont do the dirty job who will?'

I sighed and went downstairs, Alex was sitting in the stairs smoking a cigarette. 

'Alex, would you help me with this?' i pointed at the boxes.

'I'm doing something already' he smiled.


He pulled a black thong of his pocket and waved it in the air.

My face went hot.

'Black lace? Kinky' he smiled

I took it fast. ‘What are you? Five?’ i implied. ‘Don’t fucking look through my stuff’

'You did it first' he coughed 'Actually, you wore one of my boxers' he smiled mischievously.

'Because i was soaked in water!' i yelled at him. 'If you are not going to make it easy for the both of us, don't fucking talk to me'

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