The Vision *Updated 12/12/23*

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Charlotte frost hummed along to the radio as she plunged her hands into the soapy water to retrieve another plate to scrub

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Charlotte frost hummed along to the radio as she plunged her hands into the soapy water to retrieve another plate to scrub. Her fingers tirelessly working over the ceramic to gain the shimmering clean finish she desired. As the beat started to pick up she began to sway her hips and nod her head along, her soft humming slowly turning into words. Her own voice beginning to overpower that of Janis Joplin's, the lyrics of Me and Bobby McGee spilling from her ever so slightly chapped lips. She was in her own little world as she lost herself in the music while she completed another of Bella's chores. She knew Uncle Charlie would be sore with her for doing Bella's chores once again, but the poor girl was finally coming out of her dark depression. She didn't need to worry about doing a few dishes, or sweeping the pine needles from the porch, or scrubbing the downstairs toilet when she could be off hanging out with Jacob Black. A knock on the door gained her attention and she took her hands out of the sink, drying them on the small baby blue apron around her waist. She fussed over herself for a moment, making sure she was not covered in dirty dish water or that her pants were not on backwards. 

"Just a minute!" she called and turned down the radio while she hurried across the house to the front door. A quick scowl painted her face as she kicked a pair of crusty sweat soaked socks belonging to Charlie out of view. She would have to deal with that later. Opening the door she put a large smile on her face as she saw a beautiful young woman standing on the porch. The girl had dark pixie cut hair and was dressed in a lovely silk scarf and white leather jacket. Something Charlotte knew instantly was pricey and not the usual attire of those in Forks, "Hello there. Can I help you with something, love?"

The woman smiled back at her in return but Charlotte saw a quick flash of pain in her strange golden eyes, "Hello, my name is Alice. I am looking for Bella. Is she home?"

"No, I'm sorry, she is at La Push with her friend, Jacob. I am her cousin, Charlotte. You're welcome to come in and wait for her. She called me a few moments ago to tell me she was on her way home." Charlotte smiled at the woman and stepped aside to let Alice inside, taking note that she walked with a lightness in her step, as if she was floating.

"A few moments ago?" Alice seemed shocked, frozen as Charlotte silently helped her remove her wet coat and scarf to hang on the rack next to her own jacket.

"Oh, yes. Silly girl was apparently out cliff diving with those rowdy boys. Honestly, the stupidity of those kids playing around like that in this weather. She got herself soaked. I swear she is trying to put me and her father in an early grave.  This new dare devil business will be the end of me. I just finished running her a hot bath a few minutes ago." Charlotte shook her head and nibbled her lip in thought, something Alice had said in her introduction came back to her, "I'm sorry, but you said your name was Alice? You wouldn't happen to be Alice Cullen, would you?"

"I am." Alice nodded as she took a seat on the worn green couch, noting the alluring scent of freshly baked cranberry orange cookies and the still wet dishes in the drying rack. How much had this woman done in the past few minutes? Dishes, cookies, a hot bath, and from the shine on her toes she had also applied a fresh coat of opal like polish. The color reminded Alice of sunshine hitting ice just the right way on a cold morning.

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