Story Recap

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"Hello." Elias says staring straight into the reader's eyes, "My name is Elias and I am here to give you a story recap. Hawthorne was supposed to deal with this but he is currently training with new recruits to the lower guard."

"The prologue of Frau Des Winters was a series of 12 short chapters that highlights the day before Isabella Swan arrives in Italy to save Edward Cullen. And the week that follows it."

"In the beginning we are first introduced to Charlotte Frost, the god daughter and niece of Charlie Swan. She, from the very beginning, shows a strange power when confronting Alice Cullen, who had a vision of Bella jumping from the cliffs. Alice Cullen sees a vision of Charlotte and learns of Charlotte's role in the Vampire Kingdom. She is the long awaited Queen and mate to the Three Kings, Aro, Caius and Marcus."

"Alice and Bella convince Charlotte to cover for Bella so she can go to Italy and save Edward's life. During their encounter with the Volturi Alice reveals not only Bella's future as a vampire, but the existence of Charlotte to Aro. The knowledge of Bella's relation to their mate lets the Cullens go free. This Sparks the beginning of many things. It first introduces the existence of the Queen's Guard who go to Forks with Demetri and Alec."

"At the airport afterwards, Charlotte confronts Edward and slaps him. Surprising us all by being unharmed and being able to actually injure him. This is the first real introduction of Hawthorne, the sassy and fun loving gravity bender. Following afterwards you meet several new characters. Iris, a member of the Elite Guard with a tie to Carlisle Cullen. Myself, the leader of the Queen's Guard. And Celeste, another member of the Queen's Guard."

"After that you suffered through one of Hawthorne's ridiculous lessons. There you learned about the color ranking of the guard and where each of the new characters fell in rank. Black for the royals. Charcoal gray for the twins, Jane and Alec. Dark gray for the Elite Guard. Brown for the King's Guard. White for the Queen's Guard. And light gray for the lower guard members."

"Following in the chapters afterwards you get sneak peeks into the relationship between Charlie and Charlotte and learn how Charlotte came to live with Charlie. It is also revealed that after her family's death that Charlie learned of the Quileute secret. This has since not been touched on again, but the Author promises to bring it back into play."

"And it is also revealed that Billy Black knows something about Charlotte that connects her to the pack."

"You also meet the lovable Ms. Carlos. The elderly woman who lives next door to the Swans and doesn't know how to hold her tongue back. She has only been seen once so far, but her importance is very special in this story. So please remember her."

"Finally you are thrown for a loop when Paul Lahote imprints on Charlotte and causes the Kings to leave sooner than planned. Paul imprinting on Charlotte is different from others as you see that neither of them hold any romantic feelings. It is during this that we learn that Charlotte's best friend is Leah Clearwater. The two holding a deep bond."

"Finally, you see the attack of a large group of newborns. Forcing the wolves, the Guard and the Cullens to join forces in order to protect Charlotte. You meet, Adelaide, one of the missing Queen's Guard members. And... You see the ending with Charlotte falling to her death as Adelaide is attacked."

"And you have it. The recap of the prologue. This was written so that if you forget something you can quickly come here and refresh your memory. Be on the look out for the official first chapter of 'Frau Des Winters'."

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