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Charlotte slowly walked back up the stairs of the Cullen home, her heart heavy with old Quill's words. She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair, teeth biting at her lip.

"Are you alright?"

Charlotte jumped and looked over to the left, Marcus leaning against the railing next to her. She was so distracted she hadn't even seen him. She blushed and stuttered slightly over her words.

"I am fine. Just some personal stuff. Is Caius around? I left him on the dance floor and want to apologise."

"I am sure he is here somewhere." Marcus chuckled and pushed off the railing, "So, a little bird told me you'll be back here tomorrow?"

"Did this bird have a pixie cut?" Charlotte rolled her eyes and giggled.

"As a matter of fact, she did."

"Alice, Alice. That girl. I will be coming by tomorrow to help Esme clean up after this craziness." She gestured towards the house, you could see rowdy teenagers and feel the hum of the music in your chest.

"Well then I look forward to seeing you again." Marcus stepped forward and placed a single finger under her chin, tilting her face up.

She could feel his breath on her face and she shivered at the intensity of his gaze. She could see flickers of emotions she couldn't understand in his eyes. She even swore she saw them burn red for a split second.

"You'll be there too?" She asked, her voice breathless.

"We are staying here for several days." Marcus spoke and she found herself watching when his tongue flicked against his lip.

"We?" She gulped as she thought of the other two brothers who made her think unspeakable things.

"Caius, Aro and myself." His voice lowered again as he watched her lips.

"Hmm." She was slightly speechless, stuck under this strange spell that Marcus had caught her in. She felt her heart pounding in her chest, could almost feel her heart reach out for him. What was this feeling? This longing? This craving for him, his scent, his voice, his touch.

"Am I interupting something?"

Charlotte jumped away from Marcus and nearly backwards down the stairs, but an arm shot out and caught her. She was pressed against a hard chest. Her nose buried in fabric and picking up the scent of old books and wine. Shy blue eyes looked up and she squeaked. Now she was trapped in Aro's spell.

"Brother." Marcus hummed in greeting and nodded his head.

Charlotte pushed away gently from Aro and brushed her fingers over her clothes. Aro growled lightly at the loss of her warmth and was surprised when her head shot up. Had she heard him?

"Oh! I have to find Caius!" She gasped and without thinking she kissed Aro's cheek then disappeared into the house.

Aro stood shocked and lightly traced the spot her lips had graced him. Marcus tilted his head in thought.

"She must be feeling the bond. Only slightly though." He gazed through the window hoping to catch a glance of her, "Where is Caius?"

"Fending off a girl named Jessica I believe." Aro coughed and straightened his stance as he faced his brother.

"The girl who was harassing you?" Marcus raised a brow.

"A rather persistent human. She will be after you next." Aro scoffed and snapped his teeth.

"Frightening." Marcus snorted.

"You should have seen the vile things in her head. Humans never stop amazing me with their... Creativity." Aro cringed and shook away the memory of one of Jessica's fantasies... Involving Carlisle and Edward.

"That sounds... Disturbing." Marcus crinkled his nose.

"You have no idea, brother." Aro shook his head and sat on the railing, pointing to Charlotte as she stumbled into view.

"How much longer until we can take our Queen home?" Marcus stared longingly at his mate, wishing for just one more moment of her time.

"Carlisle wants to have one last check up. Then... Then she can come home." Aro leaned back and basked in the moonlight for a brief second. 

"That man... Quill. He is the Quileute elder?" Marcus narrowed his eyes as he remembered the man who had stolen Charlotte away from Caius.

"Yes, their second eldest." Aro nodded.

"What he told her..." Marcus was deeply concerned, having listened in on their conversation.

"Time will tell, brother. Time will tell." Aro gazed up at the moon and then at his mate before she vanished again into the sea of hormonal teenagers.

"Yo, Charlotte! You looking for someone?"

Charlotte turned and gasped as she saw Hawthorne covered in what appeared to be whipped cream and ketchup.

"Hawthorne?! What happened to you?"

"Your cousin's friends are wild! Who knew boring Bella had such entertaining friends!" Hawthorne let out a roaring laugh and pointed a thumb into the kitchen where Mike and Tyler were making random food combos.

"She isn't boring." Charlotte glared playfully at the 'insult'.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Now, what's got you stumbling through the crowd?" Hawthorne shrugged and smirked, already knowing.

"Have you seen Caius?" Charlotte mumbled lowly.

"Last I saw him he was hiding in the bathroom from that Jessica girl. Upstairs, third door to the left. You do NOT want to go into the one down hear." Hawthorne gagged and plugged his nose. 

Charlotte felt a rush of envy at the thought of a girl throwing herself at Caius. She made way to the stairs and shoved passed Paul who was staring longingly at a woman in the corner of the room. The Quileute stepped back and went to stop her before Hawthorne placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry about her. Caius is up there... Now... Wanna tell me why you're staring at my coven mate like you want to hump her leg like a horny dog?" Hawthorne grinned and laughed as he dodged a fist.

"Shut your mouth, you leech." Paul snarled and flipped him off.

In the far corner of the room Elias was leaning against the wall with Adelaide, Celeste and Iris. The four vampires watching the crowd intently, looking for any sign of a threat to their Queen. However, one of them kept looking over to the wolf by the stairs. She felt the pull. She felt the bond screaming at her. But even though she had been given the blessings of the Kings (only because Paul was joining the Volturi), she couldn't bring herself to approach him. A vampire and wolf? Natural enemies. It was like something from a dramatic soap opera. She couldn't have a wolf for a mate. Could she? But Marcus had confirmed it. They were mates. But how? He had imprinted in the Queen... By their natural laws wasn't she practically his mate? This was a whole mess. She groaned and leaned her head on Elias's shoulder. The older vampire rubbing her back to offer a bit of comfort. This action causing Paul to stiffen. An action that only Hawthorne picked up on.

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