A Message From Hawthorne

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"Well holy shit! That was intense wasn't it?" Hawthorne states as he leans back in his chair, "All that was just the prologue! Bet you weren't expecting that!"

"I don't think anyone was." Elias muttered.

"Can it! Did you read the chapter title?! 'Message From Hawthorne.' Not Elias. Hawthorne. Me. Not you. Go bite the mail man or something." Hawthorne scowled and shooed Elias out of his 'office'.

Which really was just a section of the library he filled with white boards.

"Alright, now that the old man is gone. Let's get down to business. Last time you were here you heard about the Volturi and the Guards. Guess you have all kinds of questions. Okay... Where to start... Well a few chapters ago you read about Me and Elias messing with the angry mutt. Did it clue you in enough on our gifts? Maybe? Well if you couldn't tell, I can 'fly' as the mutts call it. But I don't turn into a bat. Stupid wolf. How insulting is that? Honestly. It's bad enough people think we are deathly allergic to garlic. If that was true we wouldn't be living in Italy!" He howled in laughter and slapped his knee, "God, I am funny."

"Oh yeah. Real funny." Felix shook his head.

"What? Dude. Get out of here!" Hawthorne snapped.

"Does Master Aro know you're in here?" Felix smirked.

"Not yet he doesn't." Hawthorne grinned, "And he won't until after I am done!"

"I am surprised you still have your head on." Felix muttered and walked away.

"They have tried that. They miss me to much. Anyway, yeah I float. Not really flying. See, I control gravity. But not like the whole world's gravity. That would suck. I can only affect either myself or another person. Hence why Queen Charlotte was floating in the air. Pretty cool, right? And you saw that Elias has and I quote "Freaky voodoo." See, you ever watch Deadpool 2? No? Well spoilers! See there is this chick in that has awesome good luck. Nothing hurts her. It's pretty bitchin'. Well Elias can do that to other people. But! He gives them bad luck. He can give his enemy such bad luck that they could fall and knock their head off with their knee! Seen him do that. It's awesome."

"And! Last chapter you met one of the missing Queen's Guard members! Addie! Adelaide is mostly a mystery, I only recently discovered what her gift was and she has been on the team for over 200 years! Master Caius assigned her personally to our group. I even heard she was turned by one of the Kings. It might just be a rumor, but that is rare! The last person one of them personally turned was Everett. He is a guard member too. Won't spoil what rank though! But that happened I think back in 1200s. I am pretty sure Marcus turned him. The only other ones were the Witch Twins and that was like... Forever ago too." Hawthorne tapped his chin.

"What else...?" He mumbled and jumped as a white envelope dropped in his lap, "What? Oh. It's a note from the Author Lady. She sends me these sometimes. Says readers tend to ignore the Author notes in stories so she wants me to do it. Thinks you'll listen to me instead of her. Okay... What's this say? Um, "Hope you enjoyed" blah blah blah... Ah! Important shit!"

"Dear Readers, I know you have enjoyed several updates over the past few days. I plan to keep this trend going with the rest of my writing. Charlotte's story is far from over. And I have to give a special shout out to a few of my most awesome readers. A personal little shout out to MaxifinaS CharryBear and MichaelaPage1 for being such awesome peeps." Hawthorne grinned, "Your comments and votes inspire me to keep moving forward. Lots of love."

"Awe! How cute is that?" Hawthorne chuckled and winked, "Thanks for the votes."

"Hawthorne! Have you seen my cloak?" Celeste yelled from the hallway.

"Nope! Sorry!" Hawthorne shouted back while wiping his muddy shoes on a white piece of fabric, he winks at the readers and presses a finger to his lips.

"Catch you in the next chapter of 'Frau Des Winters'! Keep it wild!"

"Is that my cloak?"



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