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"Hey, Paul?" Charlotte asked softly as they got back in the car.

"What's up?" He looked at her from the corner of his eye as he drove down the street.

"Could you drop me off somewhere?" She asked while tapping her fingers on her leg.

"Depending on how close it is to the reservation... And if your body guard is there, then yeah." He shrugged.

"It's on the other side of town. Far from the reservation. I think it's on the Cullen's territory actually. And Elias is watching me." She bit her lip as she tried to remember where the treaty lines that Marcus explained were.

"Alright then. Lead. The way, your majesty." He grinned and yelped when she smacked his leg.

A few minutes later they sat in the car quietly, parked in front of where she wanted to be. Paul was watching her carefully.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I just need to be alone right now."

"You have your phone, right?"


"Good. You call me when you're ready to go. I have to head over to the post office, grab a package for the shop."

"Thanks, Paul."



"Keep your jacket on! And just shout at your leech if you need something. I am sure he is lurking around here somewhere."

"Yes, Daddy."

"Gross. Do not call me that. As much as I enjoy being called that it is nasty coming from you."

"You're disgusting."

"Yep! Be safe!"

"What a dog."

She looked up at the black iron gate and felt a shudder go through her. She hated this place. It was a constant reminder that she would never see her family again. She pushed open the gate and tugged the jacket that Paul had lent her tighter. The rain had let up but only slightly. Her feet carried her through the cemetery slowly, knowing where she needed to go... But not where she wanted to. Seven rows back and ten graves to the right lay the family grave. The shared place of burial for her brother and parents.

Her eyes were drawn to the slowly wilting flowers on the grave stone. Charlie placed a new bundle there once a week. Always the same color, but different flowers. Pale pink. Her mother's favorite. Next to them was an unopened beer. Blue Moon. Her father's favorite. And a small toy police car. It was old, but she could see the layers of paint. Charlie must have repainted it whenever it began to fade. Seeing the gifts made her heart ache more. Charlie loved his family so dearly that he took great care of their grave. How could she leave him?

Bella was going to marry Edward and eventually turn into a vampire. Renee was remarried and far away. Two of his best friends had passed on due to vampires. And his sister, brother in law, and nephew were gone. She was his only family left. Yes, he had Billy, but Billy was the chief of the tribe. He had great responsibility and from what Paul had told her... There was struggle within the tribe. Billy wouldn't be able to support Charlie or comfort him when she left. She would become a vampire one day. A Queen. She would have to stay in Italy with her mates.

A few years slid dowm her cheeks and she sunk to the ground in front of the grave stone. Charlotte released the tears and sobs she tried so hard to keep in. Her mask of strength vanished in the presence of her departed loved ones. Her memory of them was fuzzy and it made her sob more. Unknown to her, as she cried louder the air became colder. Each tear that fell to the ground froze and shattered when it meant the stone. The wetness on the ground around her became a frost that covered the grass.

"Mom, Dad. I don't know what to do. I don't understand anything. So much is happening. Everything I believed... I don't know what to do. I need guidance." She whimpered and clawed at the grass by her knees.

Words played in her mind as she started to remember a moment she had long forgotten. Something her father had told her. She closed her eyes tighter, trying to recall the words.

"Do you stop believing in the moon, just because the sun comes up?"

She whispered it softly to herself. Remembering his voice.

She was ripped out of her memory by a cold hand being placed on her shoulder. She gasped as strong arms pulled her up and behind a back. Her eyes saw only white as she stared at the back in front of her.

"Stay behind me."

The voice was filled with fury and the words were hissed out. But she remembered this voice.

"Elias?" She stuttered and tried to move away, but he had a tight grip on her.

"I am sorry, my Queen. But please stay behind me." He turned his head only a bit so she could see his face.

"What's happening?"

But her question was answered by a snarl. Yet... This didn't sound like a vampire. No. It was an animal. A large one. Like a dog. No... She peeked out from behind Elias and let out a strangled sounding cry. Not a dog... Definitely not a dog.

A wolf.

She thought back to when she saw Paul, Seth, and Leah. None of them had looked like this one. This one was larger and black as its eyes. It's lips curled upwards to show white teeth so sharp she knew they would slice through flesh and bone easily. It's eyes ignored Elias and only stared at her. She was it's target. She was it's prey. It took another step and Elias crouched low in front of her.

"One more step and I will break your neck, mutt."

The wolf looked away from her and growled at Elias. It's ears laid flat and it followed him into a crouch. It reminded her of a puppy ready to pounce on a ball. Except this puppy was a wolf and she was ball. And it definitely did not want to play. It lifted it's paw to move and Elias prepared to attack, but a new voice was heard.

"Back off, Sam. Now."

Charlotte spun around and came face to face with Jared Cameron.

Frau des Winters *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now