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"Back off, Sam. Now."

Jared Cameron stood behind her. His arms crossed over his bare chest and a pair of basketball shorts on. He was barely clothed in the rain, but she could see visible steam coming off of him when the water touched his skin. He was shaking with rage, but he otherwise appeared calm, besides his eyes. They were clouded and flashing dangerously.

"Jared? You're a wolf?" She gaped but the younger man ignored her, keeping his eyes on Sam.

"Elias. Get her out of here."  Jared's voice was hard but she heard something in it. Respect?

"He is your alpha. You can't fight him." Elias ground out through his teeth.

"No... He was my alpha. Now he is just a coward hiding behind his wolf." Jared didn't flinch when Sam snarled at him.

"Are you sure?" Elias's hands twitched at the thought of getting his Queen out and to safety.

"Go. Send for Paul if you are worried." Jared nodded and Charlotte watched as his skin seemed to move. She could almost see the wolf beneath it trying to break free.

"This is Cullen land." Elias muttered.

"Carlisle knows I am here."

"Good luck, Jared." Elias stood straight and lifted Charlotte into his arms, not taking his eyes off Sam.

"I don't need luck." Jared spoke firmly and Charlotte gasped in shock as the boy leaped over her and Elias.

As Jared moved over the top of them his body morphed. Clothing tore and a piece of his shorts landed on Elias's head. He landed on four paws in front of her and she marveled at the sight. Jared was indeed a wolf. A large wolf. The transformation looked painfully, his body had contorted horrifically, but he stood before her as if he it never happened. It was natural. Was this what Paul looked like? Jared's head turned back and their eyes locked before he nodded. Suddenly she was moving. The world flashing passed her eyes as Elias moved. She could feel the rain slamming into her face harshly.

Sam lunged after them, but Jared moved. The two wolves collided. Brown fur met black fur as teeth met flesh. Jared digging his teeth into Sam's side in order to throw him across the grass. Sam's body slammed into a grave stone and Jared cringed as the stone broke. But he knew he had no choice.

'What are you doing?!' Sam roared in anger.

'Stopping you!' Jared planted himself firmly on the ground, head low and feet ready to pounce.

'I am your alpha!' Sam snarled and Jared felt the tug in his soul.

'Not anymore.' Jared snapped his teeth and fought against the urge to submit.

'You can't stop me, Jared.' Sam laughed at him darkly.

'Try me, Sam.' Jared knew Sam was bigger, but he had always been faster.

'Why?' Sam's gaze was calculated.

'She is a human and we protect them.' Jared answered as if it was a stupid question to ask.

'She is the Queen of our enemy!' Sam growled.

'She is a human! An imprint! Paul's imprint!' Jared needed to remind him of that.

'Paul is a traitor!' Sam wasn't thinking clearly. His mind full of images of blood.

'How can you say that?!' Jared recoiled and snarled when Sam started to circle him.

'He imprinted on a leech lover!' Sam's tongue slid across his teeth as he imagined ripping Paul apart.

'You know he can't control it.' Jared forced images of Emily into Sam's head. Of Sam explaining imprinting.

'That doesn't matter!' Sam was to deep in his denial.

'Its tribal law!' Jared shouted and snapped his teeth as Sam when he came to close.

'Then the law is fucked!' Sam growled and went to make a break in the direction Elias had fled.

But once again Jared stopped him. His teeth latched onto Sam's leg and he rolled him, using his body weight to pin Sam beneath him.

'You won't touch her, Sam. Not now, not ever.' Jared started to feel something in him. A burning.

'Get out of my way.' The alpha's voice was screaming with power, but the tugging started to fade.

'I won't!' Jared roared and Sam ripped out from beneath him.

'I am alpha!' Sam growled but his voice was no longer holding any power.

'You don't deserve to be!' As Jared snarled he started to rise, power surging in his blood. He seemed to grow taller now standing at almost the same height as Sam.

'Are you challenging me, Jared?' Sam's eyes narrowed in disbelief.

'You give me no other choice.'

Jared lunged at Sam, his teeth aimed for his neck. But Sam was larger and slammed his head into Jared's jaw. He felt a crack in the bone and he bit down on his tongue to surpres the whimper. He wouldn't let Sam see weakness. He would die to defend Charlotte. To protect an imprint and the safety of his people. Teeth and claws met again and again.

Everytime Sam went for his neck he spun and slammed his paws into his face. As they fought Jared forced images of the tribe and pack into Sam's head. Reminders of their family. What they had. What they had to protect. He tried to force Sam to think about the consequences of his attempt on her life.

But Sam Uley only saw red. Blood. Anger. Hate. He had given Jared no other choice. Sam's teeth ripped at the flesh of Jared's belly and he let out a howl of pain. Blood poured down his fur and spilled onto the ground. Jared stumbled and nearly collapsed, his tongue hanging out as he panted. He was losing. He couldn't do it. Sam was an alpha.


His body tensed as he heard Kim's voice in his head. Her smile. Her laughter. Then he saw more. Quill. Embry. Jacob. Paul. Seth. Leah. Billy. His parents. His brother. Claire. Emily.  Sue. Old Quill. The tribe. His family. His pack. Jared felt the heat in his body as his wounds started to close. He looked up and saw Sam start to leave. He was walking away from him.

"NO!" Jared howled and sprang.

His paws conmected with Sam's back and he stood on the larger male. His teeth buried in Sam's neck, pinning him to the ground.



'I said, submit!'

Paul was running down the road as fast as he could. His heart racing with fear. Charlotte had called him and begged him to go to Jared. He couldn't believe Sam would try such a thing. Or that Jared was trying to take him on himself. Paul leaped over the cemetery fence, his paws landing in the mud. But the sight he was met with wasn't what he was expecting.

Jared Cameron stood tall, blood on his fur and mouth... And Sam Uley whimpering beneath him. Behind him, creeping out of the trees were the rest of the other pack. And each had their head lowered. Jared locked eyes with Paul and he nodded to him.

Jared Cameron was now alpha of the Quileute Pack. 

Frau des Winters *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now