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"Um... Hi?"

The sets of hands danced over her as the ones who owned those hands looked for any sign of injury. She finally moved away to look up at Marcus's face, his face painted with worry. Beside her was Caius, who looked equally worried but also furious. And finally Aro stood behind her, eyes closed as he took in her scent. She blushed at them being this close. But she had to remember that they were her mates. They were allowed to be this close. At least for now. While they worried. It would take a long time before she felt comfortable enough to let them be like this on a daily basis.

"Are you injured, my love?"Marcus spoke softly and ran cold fingers over her cheek bones.

"No. I am okay."

"Are you sure, angel?" Caius buried his nose in her hair and took in a deep whiff, she saw him recoil slightly and figured he could still smell Paul. 

"I am okay. Elias got me out before the fighting actually happened." She spoke softly and saw that the girls had fled the room to give them privacy.

"Good." Marcus sighed in relief.

"We are glad you are alright, dear." Aro purred in her ear and Charlotte's heart skipped a beat. 

"Um... can you please let go?" she asked gently and felt all three stiffen at her words, "Or at least let me sit down?"

"Of course, love." Marcus relaxed slightly and they took a step back to let her move where she wanted to.

She noticed that the living room was also empty and guessed that the Cullens, Seth and Bella had all vacated the house to give them their alone time. She glanced around trying to find a spot that would fit all of them She scowled slightly when she realized how difficult this would be with three mates. She only had two hands that could be held and they could only sit on her two sides. She brightened up when she saw that Esme's couch had a chaise. That would work. They could all fit around her and none of them would be left out. She could already picture how they would react if they weren't close to her right now. A nagging voice in the back of her head screamed over protective. She gently lead Marcus and had him sit so she could lean against him, and Caius took the left side while Aro took the right. Sighing softly she tried to ignore the feeling of Marcus behind her and relaxed.

"This is much better. Thank you." she smiled at them.

"We are glad." Marcus mumbled and she blushed again at the smile on his face.

"What time is it?" her eyes widened when she looked out the window and that it was now dark.

"I believe it is after 8 o'clock." Aro leaned in closer and she tried to avoid tracing his figure with her eyes.

"I have been here for six hours?!"

"We would have come here sooner, but there were... things to take care of." Caius growled slightly but it turned into almost a purr when she placed her hand on his knee.

"Is Jared okay? What happened?" Charlotte was desperate for answers.

"Jared is fine. A little tired, but his wounds have already healed" Marcus rubbed a hand over her arm and she shuddered at his touch.

"And... Sam?" Charlotte could barely get out his name as she remembered his teeth and the sound of his snarls.

"Mr. Uley is no longer a threat." Aro's eyes flashed black for a moment.

"He is dead?" Charlotte gasped and covered her mouth with her hands.

"No, though I wish he was." Caius hissed and Aro gave him a hard look.

"Then... how is he not a threat? Won't he try again?" Now she was really confused.

"He no longer has the power to try again." Marcus's words were firm and she sensed there was more to it. 

"What do you mean?" she asked with narrowed eyes at each of them. She knew one of them would crack under her gaze. But who? 

"Mr. Uley was the alpha of the pack, but the pack split into two when Paul imprinted on you. Paul became the alpha of the new pack and the old one was left with a mess." Caius's shoulders sagged slightly and she raised a brow at Paul being an alpha. She assumed that Seth and Leah were the other members of his pack.

"A mess?" that word got to her. She saw the tension between Sam and Jared. What had happened?

"Mr. Uley wasn't actually supposed to be the alpha. Alphas are made through bloodlines, which would make Jacob Black the true alpha. However, he was to young to shift when the Cullens moved here. So Mr. Uley shifted first and as the most experienced wolf was given the title until Jacob was of age." Aro began and looked at Caius over her shoulder.

"But Mr. Uley did not want to give over power to Jacob, because he knew Jacob wouldn't try to harm you. He views you as a threat due to your position as future Queen. Jared was his beta or second in command and when Jared refused to hurt you he removed him from the rank." Caius sounded truly disgusted while talking about the wolves, but there was a tiny hint of respect whenever he spoke of Jared.

"Jared has defeated him and took his place as the new alpha. Until Jacob has been taught how to be an alpha and is mature enough for the rank." Marcus finished for Caius. It astounded her that the three of them could talk so quickly after each other. Like they knew exactly where to pick up. 

"So what happened to Sam?" If Jared was now the alpha then where was Sam?

"Mr. Uley is no longer a wolf." Aro's words sent a chill down her spine.


"The village elders used old and powerful magic to rip the wolf from him. He is now just a mere mortal human. Though without his wolf, a half of himself, he is actually much less than a human." Marcus said and leaned forward to rest his chin on the top of Charlotte's head. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw both Aro and Caius scowl at him.

"That's horrible..." her voice was filled with raw emotion as she thought of Sam's fate. This was her fault. All her fault.

"He was also out casted from the tribe." Caius's words made the pain in her heart grow. Her fault.

"What about his imprint? Emily?" Oh god, what was going to happen to Emily?

"From what Jared told us without his wolf he can not have a imprint. The bond is now gone. As if it never existed. Miss Young was so angry with his attempt on your life that she broke off their engagement." her heart broke for Emily as Marcus explained. 

Charlotte felt tears well up in her eyes as she thought about how because of her lives had been ruined. Emily was a sweet young woman who had now lost the love of her life. And Sam had lost not only his lover, but his home, his family, his pack, and his wolf. A cold hand brushed against her cheek and she looked up to meet eyes with Caius.

Frau des Winters *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now