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"I see. I apologize for the effect our presence has had on your people, Mr. Cameron." Aro sighed and rubbed his chin in thought.

The Kings and Jared Cameron were sat down in the Cullen guest cabin about a mile away from the main Cullen house. This home would later be turned into Bella and Edward's home once they were wed and she was turned. Jared sat in a chair with Marcus, Caius and Aro lounging on various chairs by the fireplace. Caius had a leg thrown over the arm of his chair and was resting his head in one of his hands. Marcus sat straight with his hands folded in his lap. And Aro had his crossed. Even in this casual home Jared could feel the royalty in their presence. He could only imagine how much more powerful they appeared on their actual thrones.

"I mean no disrespect, my Lords. But we are people are struggling with the amount of new wolves. We are already near a civil war with the power struggle between Jacob and Sam. I fear our people will fall apart and the new wolves will not be properly trained. If that happens... I don't want our two kinds to go to war."

"It would not be war, wolf." Caius snarled.

"No... it wouldn't." Jared gulped, "It would a slaughter. Of my people."

Caius nodded at his words and smirked, "That it would be."

"Tell us, Mr. Cameron. How are things going with your tribe? And the pack?" Marcus asked.

"Billy Black is our chief and there is debating among the tribe elders. Sam has lead the pack for a few years now, but that is only because he was the only male of age when the Cullens returned. Jacob is the bloodline of the alpha, but shifted far later. He is still young and doesn't have much experienced compared to Sam. Some believe that Sam should continue on as Alpha until Jacob is older, but with the situation now... there are also those who do not wish to fight you. They want Jacob to take over." Jared leaned forward and balanced his arms on his knees looking deeply troubled.

"And where do you stand, Mr. Cameron?" Marcus questioned.

"Cold ones are our enemy, but I do not believe you are are our natural enemy. My people did not become wolves because of vampires. You are just one of our only current enemies. But I have seen that we can live in peace. I do not agree with your life style. Our people believe in protecting human life. You feed on humans. However, I am not foolish enough to believe that you will also change your diet. I believe we can come to a truce similar to those of the one we hold with the Cullens. With some changes." Jared glanced between the Kings.

"And that would be?" Caius raised a brow.

"We agree to stay on our own lands, protecting our people. Quilette land is not to be hunted on by any vampire. And we will agree to stay to our land unless otherwise permitted. Yet, there is also the matter of Charlotte and Paul." Caius hissed at this but Marcus held up his hand, "By our tribal laws imprints are not to be harmed. They become part of the pack and are forever protected. This poses some changes to our ways of life. Sam seeks to break the tribal laws by killing her, but many of us can not let such harm come to her. Paul, Seth and Leah have already left the pack to be with Charlotte. This has made two different packs. Charlotte is not a member of our pack by those standards, but she is still an imprint. So she is meant to be protected. I believe that we should maintain peace by being two packs. But if harm ever were to come to Charlotte we would have to stand in and protect her. But that will also apply to Paul, Seth and Leah. If one of the imprints are in true danger they should also be there." Jared finished and sat up straight. 

"You are wise beyond your years, Mr. Cameron." Aro said simply and placed his hands together.

"I want only to protect my people and our laws. You have your own laws and we have ours." Jared chewed his lip.

"You are a good beta to your pack." Marcus smiled softly at the young man.

"I am no longer beta. Sam is still alpha and has relieved me of my status." Jared gritted his teeth in anger, he loved Sam, but his friend was not acting wisely.

"I believe you are more than worthy of the position." Caius spoke surprising Jared. Caius may not like the wolves, but he could see a good warrior in this particular one. He certainly liked him more than his mate's imprinter as of right now.

"Thank you." Jared said so softly it was a whisper. He had struggled since Sam revoked his position.

"We will have to discuss what we will do with this information in private. Though we can tell you that we do not plan on staying in Forks much longer." Aro eyed his brothers and they all three nodded in agreement.

"We must return to Italy soon or our absence will be noticed by those who seek to destroy the Volturi." Marcus explained.

"And... you'll be taking Charlotte with you?" Jared gulped and Caius gave him the stink eye.

"We will." Aro stated and gave a look which dared Jared to question their decision, nut the man stayed silent and looked at his feet.

"You do not agree with this?" Marcus questioned.

"Personally, no. But the choice is not mine. I have an imprint and she is my mate. I could not imagine life without her. And Charlotte is meant to be the Queen of the Vampires. If she isn't turned... who knows what will happen. The spirits knew what they were doing and it is no accident." Jared said and all three Kings caught the look in his eye as he spoke of his mate.

"Thank you for your honesty, Mr. Cameron." Aro had to give him his respect. The wolf knew better than to try and hide how he felt.

"One last thing... why did you come? Alone?" Caius asked and stared hard at the wolf.

"Because I value the lives of my people more than the ones focused on becoming alpha."

Frau des Winters *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now