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Aro rubbed his forehead in frustration as he looked over the reports that Renata had sent him from Volterra. The reports were actually excellent news, but it was the idea that this was keeping him away from his mate that frustrated him. Especially that their mate was left alone with Caius. Normally, this wouldn't both other members of a multi- person mate bond, but they had not completed the mating process. His bond roaring at the idea of his mate in a bed with Caius near her. They were soul brothers and partners in this relationship, but the envy in him was strong. It didn't help that he knew the quite shameful little thoughts that raced through her brain when she was near them. Sadly, Aro also knew all to well about what Caius thought as well. 

"How are the reports looking?" Marcus's voice thankfully knocked him out of his head and he glanced up at his brother.

"Excellent." Aro sighed and handed the papers to Marcus. 

"So the look on your face is about Caius and Charlotte." the brunette King hummed in thought.

"You know me to well." Aro hissed at him, but Marcus didn't even looked phased. 

"She isn't ready for that. And Caius would never force that on her." he spoke as he scanned over the reports, Aro catching the look on his face as he also noticed the misspelled word. 

"I know." he let out a breath and leaned back in the chair to cross his legs. 

"But the mate bond is affecting you." Marcus glanced up at him out of the corner of his eye.

"Don't act as though it isn't affecting you as well, brother." Aro snarled but once again Marcus paid him no mind. 

"I never said it wasn't." he hummed again and Aro decided to drop the subject for now.

"How soon are we able to depart?" he drummed his fingers on the desk in front of him. They were currently in the spare cabin the Cullens had allowed them to use. 

"We can leave as soon as 3pm tomorrow." Marcus handed the reports back to him. 

"A day earlier than expected." This made Aro feel both thrilled and nervous. Was their mate ready to leave? 

"If Charlotte is ready." Marcus mumbled.

"If Charlotte is ready." Aro repeated. 

---------------------------------------At The Swan Home--------------------------------

Charlotte opened the door to her bedroom with her dirty clothes and used towel in her hands. She glanced up at Caius who had discarded his shoes and was laying on her head reading a random book from her shelf. The bath had actually been rather nice and as promised the unruly King stayed well behaved. He had sat on the floor next to the tub and she had kept the curtain closed. They had spoken about Volterra and themselves, learning about each other. Though their conversation had made her feel slightly disheartened. Aro was unable to learn about her like she would about him. He just instantly knew it all, while his brothers were given the chance to hear her speak about her thoughts. Tossing her laundry in the basket she tugged the towel off her head and let her wet curls land on her shoulders. She felt Caius's eyes on her as she sat down at the vanity and started braiding her hair. 

"Are you nearly ready for bed, Angel?" 

"Yeah. Just need to do this first." she muttered with a hair tie in her teeth.

"Would you like a hand?" Caius asked and set the book down on the night stand. 

"Do you know how to braid?" she questioned but then he was behind her and her hair already in a beautiful braid, "Oh... that was fast."

"Hair tie?" he held out a hand to her.

"Here." she whispered and removed it from her mouth still in shook at the speed he had used to complete such a task.

"You have lovely hair, Angel." Caius purred and ran his fingers over her scalp softly.

"Thank you... why do you call me Angel?" Charlotte asked with her lips curled into a thoughtful pout. 

Caius's hands stopped moving and she shuddered when his eyes met her through the mirror. 

"Because no one as beautiful as you could exist unless you were an angel." he slowly spun her chair so she was facing him. His eyes moving from her eyes to her lips. 

"That's cheesy." Charlotte breathed out.

"And undoubtedly true." Caius leaned in, close enough that if she puckered her lips they would brush his, but before she could he pulled back, " Come, Angel. It's been a long day for my little human." the vampire purred and helped her stand up. 

Charlotte slid into the sheets, holding a questioning look in her eyes when Caius laid on top of the blanket instead of underneath with her. But he merely shook his head.

"We can embrace as many times as you wish when we are home. I do not want to cross any lines until you beg me to." Caius lay on his side next to her, using his elbow to prop himself up to look at her.

"When are we leaving?" Charlotte asked and rolled so they were face to face.

Caius wouldn't tell her how happy it made him when she said we instead of you.

"We are most likely able to leave by tomorrow night at the earliest. Though at this point we are waiting for when you are ready." he hummed in thought and Charlotte found that she could feel his hum as it vibrated through him and her sheets. 

"Do you want to come home tomorrow?" She felt a sense of hurt at the thought of them longing for him, but being forced to stay so they could be with her.

"I want to return as soon as possible with you by my side." He spoke truthfully.

Charlotte nodded and laid her head on his arm. She closed her eyes and let her mind begin to clear. Was she ready? To leave Forks and begin her journey?

"Good night, Caius." Charlotte whispered and snuggle more into his arm, making the King smile.

"Good night, Angel." The King whispered back and pressed a light kiss to her nose.

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