Story Recap

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"Hello again." Elias greeted as he looked up from the report in his hands, "You're here for a quick little recap about what has occured in the first official book of Frau Des Winters, correct?"

"Boo! Boring!" Hawthorne whined from his place in the background.

"Silence yourself before I do it for you." Elias's eyes darkened and Hawthorne visibly shivered with fear.

"Somebody nibbled on the wrong side of the neck this morning." Hawthorne pouted before fleeing the room to go find Paul.

"Now that the peanut gallery has removed itself from the room, let us continue. You are here for the recap on Book One. So allow me to explain...

Book One begins after the prologue with the Queen, Charlotte Frost, in the hospital recovering from the newborn attack. This attack was lead by Victoria, a rogue who was after Bella in order to avenge her mate. The Volturi, the Cullens, and the wolves all worked together in order to protect the two humans and defeat the enemy. In the first chapter Charlie Swan has a deep conversation with Carlisle and learns the truth about the Cullen family. During this you hear some of Carlisle's back story and a bit of his relationship with Iris. Afterwards, Charlie Swan meets the Kings in the forest behind the hospital. In later chapters you learn that at some point during this conversation it was decided that Charlie would retire and move to Volterra.

In Chapter two we see into a dream that Charlotte is having, though I wouldn't truly call it a dream. You meet Charlotte's mother, father, and younger brother stuck at the age in which they had passed. They share a meal with many of Charlotte's passed on loved ones. A few of which are brought up several times in the story. These loved ones hold very special meaning to Charlotte. Sarah Black, Jacob Black's mother, Harry Clearwater, Seth and Leah's father, Charlotte's Grandmother, Holly, and her grandmother's brother, Benny. There is also Charlotte's college roommate, Amanda, who died tragically in a fire that destroyed their dorm. Her childhood dog, a loving Saint Bernard named Rosco... and finally a stranger. A woman who shared the features of Harry and Sarah making Charlotte assume that she was a member of their tribe. Charlotte figures out who this is when she sees her full face, but the readers are not told. She refers to her later as Dhalia. At some point during this dream her loved ones tell her that she has a choice. Though we do not know what it is."

"I know!"


"Right, yep. Leaving."

"Back in Charlotte's dream she sees the throne room with four thrones and three paintings of herself. And she sees the Kings in her dream though she is not yet aware of who they are. Moving farther into the dream she stumbles into a room that is part of the castle and finds Paul Lahote. She shares a final moment with her mother before finally awaking. The story moves forward with the readers learning about what had happened during the battle and what had happened within the wolf pack. They had formed a truce for the fight, but once Charlotte's title was revealed the wolf pack split apart. Sam Uley wanted to kill her and the rest were torn between following him and protecting her. There was a power struggle when Sam refused to give the alpha rank to its rightful heir, Jacob. Paul Lahote decided to leave the pack and join the Volturi in order to stay with his imprint. The Clearwater siblings followed him, due to their strong bond to Charlotte. This formed a second pack with Paul as alpha and Leah as his beta. It is hinted that that Paul's actual mate is a member of the vampire guard.

Moving forward it is revealed that Charlotte has no memory of the attack or her dreams, believing she was chased by a bear through the woods. She finally meets the Kings at Bella's graduation party and they spend the evening dancing together after an... intimate moment with Caius. The following day Charlotte teams up with the Kings in order to help clean up after the party. Jared Cameron, Sam's former beta, arrives to speak privately with the Kings regarding the safety of his people. While the Kings speak with Jared, Charlotte offers to go with Esme shopping. The two women form a friendship and have a wonderful time together... until a rogue vampire named Morgan attacks. Charlotte releases part of her power in order to protect Esme and Morgan mentions something about her not being human. Before Morgan is able to harm her the Kings arrive. Caius takes the women back to the Cullen home while his brothers dispose of Morgan, who is revealed to have once been an old friend of Aro's. 

That night the Kings finally reveal the truth to Charlotte not only about themselves and the mate bond... but also about what she is. After they return her to her home, where she has conversation with Charlie, they find themselves in the home of Ms. Carlos, Charlotte's elderly neighbor and good friend. During this you learn that not only do the Kings know her, but that Ms. Carlos is actually a Gray Witch. You see into their relationship, with Ms. Carlos constantly taunting Caius, and discover that there is a treaty between the vampires and the High Council. Ms. Carlos has been charged with protecting Charlotte after a past failure involving a promise she made to a man named Jack.

Charlotte is forced to try and come to terms with her new role as Queen and the truth about what she really is. Paul Lahote takes her out for coffee and explains the imprint to her. This makes Charlotte feel the need to visit the graves of her family where she is nearly attacked by Sam Uley. Saved by Elias and Jared Cameron, she is removed from the fight so that Jared can defeat Sam, taking his place as Alpha. Later we learn that Sam's wolf was torn from him and he was outcasted by the tribe. This shatters Charlotte's heart as she blames herself for his ruined life. And here is when Aro finally reveals his gift to her in order to reassure her that Sam had planned her cousin's death long before she came into the picture. 

And finally we close with Charlotte opening up to the Kings and learning about Charlie's choice to follow her to Forks. After a night spent in Caius's company she chooses to go to Volterra with them.

And thus ends the first book of Frau Des Winters."

"Finally! God, you take forever." Hawthorne exclaims and throws himself on the chair next to Elias.




"What are you doing?"


"Oh, no."


"Come on, man. I was kidding!"



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