0.9 Lessons

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"What?!" Caius roared and threw his throne across the room

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"What?!" Caius roared and threw his throne across the room. His red eyes flaring dangerously, "I knew we should have left sooner!"

"It would have happened eventually, Brother." Marcus hissed, rather irritated as well.

"Not if we took her sooner! She wouldn't have been anywhere near those filthy mutts!" Caius shouted and picked up his throne again to toss.

"Would you please stop that?" Aro sighed rubbing his forehead.

"Our mate was... Was claimed by a damn wolf and you want me to stop it?!" Caius shrieked and threw it again, the beautifully crafted chair now in pieces.

"She wasn't claimed. She was imprinted on." Aro muttered in annoyance.

"Wolves imprint on their mates! For breeding!" Caius threw his hands in the air and fell backwards leaving the imprint of his body in the marble.

"You're being dramatic." Marcus grumbled and crossed his legs.

"Dramatic?! I am the only one reacting to it!" Caius sat up and snarled.

"Carlisle spoke with the alpha. He was very clear that not all imprints are mates. Sometimes they just have a deep friendship or sibling like bond." Aro sighed and leaned his head back. 

"It's a wolf! A horny mangy wolf!" Caius shouted and took off his shoe to throw.

"If you throw that shoe at me I will hurt you, Brother." Marcus hissed and narrowed his eyes.

Caius glared back and snarled as he put his shoe back on. The blonde King picked up the seat cushion of his destroyed throne and planted himself on the floor.

"We leave tomorrow for Forks. We will retrieve our mate and deal with this 'Paul' then. The imprint bond is as strong as the mate bond and works both ways. Charlotte will be in immense pain if separated from him. Just like us." Aro spoke through his hands and then ran them through his long hair.

"You can't seriously be suggesting what I think you are?" Caius gaped at Aro in disbelief.

"We will have no other choice." Marcus muttered angrily.

"I will not have a wolf in this castle." Caius glared.

"Then we will have no mate. The wolf comes home with us. No further discussion." Aro snapped.

Paul paced back and forth against the border, eyeing Charlotte as she watered her garden in the side yard. He wanted to approach her, but everytime he even tried one of those damn guard leeches got in his way. The damn flying one had turned it into a game. And that was how Paul discovered he wasn't just a flying leech. The ever smirking vampire could control the gravity of either himself... Or another person. More than once Paul had lifted several feet in the air and then dropped on his ass. Or he had been pinned to the ground while the leech literally shook his ass in his face. And as if that wasn't bad enough, the other male, Elias, as he had been introduced had some freaky voodoo power. It was like he had cursed Paul with bad luck. At first he thought it was just an unlucky day. Normal, but unlucky. Until he watched a baseball fly out of a passing truck, hit a trash can, bounce off a light pole and slammed into Paul's nose. The cackling of the gravity leech answered him on who it had been. He didn't even want to know what the female was capable of. She had been eyeing him nonstop for four hours. Not moving at all. She was like a statue and it was freaking him out. She didn't even blink. Those red eyes haunting him.

"Will you stop that?!" Paul snarled at Elias as he got splashed with mud.

"Stop what?" The bearded vampire faked innocence and Paul decided he really wanted to sink his teeth into that skull.

"I just want to see her! Meet her! Dr. Vamp told you everything! Just me pass, God damn it!" He roared and pointed a tan finger at the pale cold one.

"While I understand your problem, i can't let you pass until the Masters arrive." Elias shook his head.

"Masters?! What Masters?! Why the hell are you guarding her?! Who are you?!" Paul shouted and stepped forward.

"That's not for me to say." Elias shrugged his shoulders.

"What?! Oh you son of a bitch. Wait until I get my hands on you! I will bite that stupid head of yours off!" Paul turned his back on Elias and ranted so harshly he didn't notice the woman come up behind him.

"Excuse me?"

Paul tensed and felt his heart racing in his chest. He gulped and turned only his head. The sight took his breath away and he felt the need to howl in delight. There she was. Charlotte. Her. His imprint. Her. She had her hair in a loose pony tail and was dressed in jeans and a baggie green t-shirt. Her blue eyes wide with curiosity. He decided then and there that the color orange could go screw itself. He had a new favorite. Frosty blue.

"Hey..." He gulped and turned fully to face her. A dark blush on his cheeks as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"You're Paul, right? One of Leah's friends?" Charlotte smiled and clasped her hands behind her back.

"More like coworkers..." Paul grumbled and looked around for any sign of the leeches. The woman was in the same spot, only further in the shadows. The two men who had been screwing with him all day were out of sight.

"She said you would be stopping by." Charlotte giggled and took hold of Paul's hand.

The touch of her hand sent a warm tingling through Paul and he felt his wolf scratching to be released. To be beside her. But as Paul let her lead him across the street he felt something else stir in him. He normally was a man controlled by his desire, letting that lead him to women. Yet while Charlotte was a gorgeous woman he didn't feel even the smallest urge. She felt... Like home. And it reminded him of his late mother and father. Not of his dead beat step dad.

"She did?" Paul questioned nervously.

"Yeah. Said she told you to come and visit. Learn how to play the violin! I am always happy to teach!" Charlotte smiled at him and Paul also decided that the drums had to step aside, because this guy was going to learn to play the freaking violin.

"Uh yeah. Violin. What do I owe you?" Paul asked and went to fish out his wallet.

Once again her touch lit a fire in him.

"No charge. Any friend of Leah's is a friend of mine." Well, guess he has a lot of ass kissing to do with Leah now.

"So how long have you known Leah?" Paul questioned while Charlotte brought him inside. He shut the front door behind him and smirked at the angry female leech.

"Since we were kids. Uncle Charlie knew her dad since they were little. So when he took me in she became my best friend. Her and Rebecca Black. Poor men. They didn't stand a chance." Charlotte snickered at the memories.

"Becca? Jake's sister?" Paul was amazed. If she knew Becca then she had been around a long time. How come he hadn't met her sooner?

"Yep. I got bullied a lot in school so I ran off to the Reservation every day. Charlie always found me at the Black's house." Charlotte pulled a beautiful leather case out of the closet.

"Bullied? You?" Paul gawked and took a seat on the couch when she patted the spot next to her.

"I wasn't a very happy kid back then. A lot happened." Her eyes went sad and Paul actually felt cold for just a moment.

"I'm sorry... I got bullied too." Paul mumbled and gently rubbed her shoulder.

"Kids can be brutal." Charlotte whispered and then wiped away her tears and opened the case, "Now this one I bought recently at a thrift store. It was cheap but in fair condition. You can use this one to practice at home, okay?"

"Sure thing, Charlotte." Paul smiled.

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