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"Good morning, Aro." Charlotte smiled at the raven haired King. 

"Good morning, my dear. How was your night?" Aro asked and carefully offered her his arm, making sure their skin did not touch.

Charlotte wrapped her arm around his and let the man lead her into the back yard. When they stepped out she was amused to find Caius ranting about messy teenagers while raking garbage into a pile. Marcus lifting bags up into arms and tossing them into a large dumpster. 

"It was good. And yours?" Charlotte asked and didn't notice the sly look in Aro's eyes. 

"I have never experienced a night better." He chuckled when she blushed and let go of her arm as they reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Good morning, Caius! Marcus!" Charlotte grinned and made her way over to them. She flushed brightly when Caius turned to her, remembering what had happened between them the night before. Her eyes couldn't control themselves as she scanned over him. 

Caius's blonde hair looked messy, as though he had run his fingers through it several times. His strange blue eyes seemed more purple today as well. He was dressed once again much more simply than either of his brothers with a black t-shirt and dark jeans. She tried to ignore how the shirt hugged his figure or the smirk on his lips as he caught her staring. 

"Good morning, angel." The blonde King chuckled and rose a brow, amused she was unable to keep her eyes to herself, though he wouldn't complain.

"Charlotte, you look lovely this morning."

Charlotte's eyes snapped away from Caius over to Marcus who straightened out his short sleeve dark red button up, brushing away the dirt from his shoulder. He seemed to be dressed up more than Caius, but less than Aro. She had noticed this yesterday as well. 

"Thank you, Marcus." Charlotte gave a shy smile before opening up her trash bag, "Well, let's get started."

Caius used to the rake to lean on and sent a look to Aro over Charlotte's shoulder, "You can help Aro collect all the bottles. Esme wants to try and recycle as much as she can. Marcus and I are handling the actual trash."

"Okay, sounds good." Charlotte nodded to him and then looked back over her shoulder, "Ready to clean up the messes of the future leaders of the world?" she joked.

"Ready as I could be, my dear." Aro chuckled and gestured for her to follow him.

As they started cleaning, Charlotte's eyes would wander over each of the three brothers. Something seemed to tug at her more and more, especially the closer she stood to one of them. When handing a bag to Marcus their fingers had brushed together and she thought her heart was going to stop. And when she heard their voices something inside her burned. After an hour of collecting recycling and trash, though a few minutes of that had involved Caius messing about with Aro, they finally had the back cleaned. Though now Aro had a mustard stain on his shirt and was cursing at Caius in Italian who looked rather bored, but his eyes held amusement. 

"Do you need any help, Marcus?" Charlotte asked as Marcus started pushing the dumpster around to the front yard. 

"No need, love." Marcus shook his head and she watched in amazement as he moved it almost like it was nothing.

"You must work out quite a bit." she internally screamed at herself for blurting that out.

Behind her Caius snickered and Aro rolled his eyes.

"You could say that." Marcus chuckled and she followed after him to make sure he truly didn't need any help.

On the porch Jasper was helping Esme when he spotted one of the vampire kings pushing a dumpster. The sight was rather disturbing to watch. He had always pictured the Kings as cruel and snobbish in a way, but seeing how they acted around Charlotte made him confused. Though he somewhat understood. He had met Alice and changed drastically. So it wasn't that far off for the great Kings of the vampire world to change when in the presence of their mate. Mates did strange things to a vampire's life. He hoped that with her by their side that it would improve their world. A sudden wave of emotions hit the empath and he stood stiff as a board. Then the smell. All around the Cullen property vampire were stiffening and glanced at the Kings nervously. Marcus was the first to freeze up before taking a step closer to Charlotte trying not to seem odd. Then Aro and Caius were suddenly behind her, Caius's face turned serious and Aro had a calm but dangerous look in his eyes. Charlotte jumped up and shrieked at their appearance. Thinking she hadn't heard them walk up.

"Mr. Cameron. What can we help you with?" Aro spoke firmly and narrowed his gaze at the former second in command of the wolf pack who emerged from the trees.

Jared looked nervous as he stood before the Kings and Charlotte. He had never had a problem with her, disagreeing that she should be killed, but instead believed that she should be left to stay human. This hadn't gone over very well with Sam, who stood firm on ending Charlotte before she took her place on the throne. The pack was in chaos. Paul, Seth, and Leah leaving to join the Volturi. Sam and Jake as each other's throats over who would control the remaining wolves. And because of the Volturi's presence, more and more boys were shifting. Their blood calling out to protect the tribe. He had resigned as beta and was now standing in front of the Volturi to ask a dangerous question. 

"I was hoping to speak with you concerning business." Jared coughed and glanced over at the southern Cullen. He felt a wave of calm wash over him and was grateful that the vampire was helping keep him from shifting. He was surprised that Paul hadn't wolfed out, considering he had worse control than Jared did. 

"Business?" Charlotte tilted her head confused and glanced between Jared and the Kings.

"Our company and the Quilette tribe have decided to do some... trading." Aro smiled at Charlotte to ease her confusion.

Caius snorted at his brother's words. Trading. That's what they are calling it now? More like the wolves were changing sides on their own accord. He wouldn't call it trading. Considering none of them were going to the tribe. He wrinkled his nose at the thought and scoffed when Marcus sent a glare to him. 

"Oh! Well then I will let you conduct your business." Charlotte nodded and turned to Jared, "It is nice to see you again, Jared. How is Kim?"

"She's good. Nice to see you too." Jared smiled nervously as Marcus stared him down. He was glad that the tiny blonde vampire wasn't around, but he was more scared of Marcus then he was of Jane right now. His stare didn't physically harm him, but it promised a great deal if he dared to try anything.

Charlotte waved goodbye and made her way into the house to see if Esme needed anything else. Leaving Jared to cough and rub his neck while the Kings closed in. 

"How can we help you, Mr. Cameron?" Aro had a dangerous smile on his face and Jared felt more unease.

Jared exhaled through his nose and held out a shaky hand to the raven haired King. This made Aro glance to his brothers before taking it. His head soon was filled with the wolf's thoughts and he dropped it gently, his building rage cooling.

"I see. Come, let's discuss this more privately."

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