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Charlotte knocked softly on the bathroom door. Nibbling her lip she spoke quietly.


The door flew open and she yelped as she was pulled into the bathroom. She collided with a chest as the door shut and she heard a sigh of relief.

"You have no idea how long I have been hiding from that damned girl." Caius hissed and buried his nose into Charlotte's hair, taking in the calming scent of his mate.

"Jessica can be... Persistent." Charlotte mumbled into his shirt and closed her eyes as she enjoyed the feeling of his touch.

"Persistent isn't the word I would use." Caius huffed and let go as he sat on the edge of the tub, "I have never seen a human so lustful. It's unsettling."

"Jessica is known to try and take what she wants. She calls it the 'menu'." Charlotte snorted at the memory of Jessica's menu list.

"Unfortunately for her, my brothers and I are off the so called 'menu'." Caius turned so he was laying on the edge of the tub, his head leaned back against the wall.

Charlotte froze at his words.

"You're in a relationship." She felt breathless.

"Currently? No... But soon. Hopefully." Caius's voice was smooth and his stare ignited a fire beneath Charlotte's skin, "If she will have me."

"She would be a fool not to have you." Charlotte whispered and lost herself in those eyes. Again she saw the same unexplainable emotions that she found in Marcus's gaze.

The two soul mates found themselves leaning closer, Caius reaching out to tug her to him. Charlotte swore she saw his eyes flash red as he leant into to brush his lips to hers... Just as lip touched lip, a soft brush of flesh.


The screechy voice of Jessica Stanley almost made Caius lose his control. The King shifted so Charlotte's face was over his shoulder, his face contorted into a feral sneer. He wanted to burst down the door and shred the human. But he held back as he knew his mate was held in his arms.

He sighed and stood up to face what seemed to be the only thing on this planet that frightened him... One of the mighty vampire Kings... A hormone driven teenage girl. As his hand touched the door knob he was pulled back. Charlotte held a finger to her lips and winked at him. He smirked at the mischief in her eyes and held his hands up in surrender.

"Follow my lead." She whispered and she started messing up her hair, undoing a few buttons of her shirt and smearing her lipstick slightly with her finger.

Caius raised a brow but messed up his own hair. He almost purred when she softly brushed her lipstick finger to his lips and neck. The two glanced in the mirror and Charlotte flushed red at the sight. She didn't know what she was doing. Why was she pretending? What this feeling in her?

Caius himself was thinking so.ething rather similar. Why hadn't he just grabbed her? Had her mark his neck truly? The image of her disheveled in such a way was making the King feel a dominant urge to claim her. He reached out for her hand and tugged her under his arm. She fit perfectly beneath his arm and into his side. He gave a winked and used his free hand to open the door.

"Cai- oh!" Jessica gasped as she stared at the two people before her.

She blushed brightly and felt envy crawl over her. Caius wore a smug expression and Charlotte had a shy smile. She couldn't even deny how perfect the two looked together.

"Sorry, Jess. Did you need the bathroom?" Charlotte faked a voice of innocence and Caius grinned.

"Uh, um. Yeah. Yeah I did. I um... Didn't know you were like... A thing." Jessica stuttered and gritted her teeth.

"It's more then a 'thing'." Caius smirked and kissed the side of Charlotte's head, "Shall we head back to the dance floor, love?"

"Let's go." Charlotte giggled and lead the way down the stairs, Caius following smugly behind her.

As the two stumbled down the stairs they passed Aro and Marcus who were cringing as they were forced to sip wine to fit in. Aro spit out his wine into Marcus as he saw the lipstick on Caius, the same exact shade that decorated their mate's lips. Marcus hissed a curse and went to glare before he caught sight of the two himself. The two darker haired Kings had their mouths open slightly in shock as Charlotte tugged a smirking Caius onto the dance floor. Caius sent a smug grin at his brothers. He knew they would learn the truth later, but for now he would enjoy the envious snarl that spilled from Marcus's lips, and the murderous intent in Aro's eyes.

The Kings weren't the only ones looking on in shock. Paul choked on a deviled eggs when he smelt the faint scent of arousal and saw his imprint. A brotherly wave of protection filled the wolf and he felt he would have to give the blonde King a talking to. Then he remembered who exactly the blonde was and paled. Grumbling he stuffed another egg into his mouth and slapped away Seth's hand when the younger wolf tried to swipe one from his hand.

"She looks so happy." Bella watched her cousin as Caius spun her across the floor.

"She is." Edward nodded and chuckled when Marcus swept between them and stole Charlotte away.

"She deserves it." Bella smiled and felt her eyes start to tear up.

"You really love her." Edward watched his mate, wishing he could see into the depths of her mind.

"My mom... She is great... But she has never shown me that much care. Not like Charlotte does." Bella let out a breath as she revealed how deeply she cared.

"They will care for her. Don't worry. If anything can curb the darkness in a vampire... It's their mate." Edward wrapped an arm around her and kissed her head.

The two watched as Charlotte was spun from Marcus to Aro, who dipped her low to the floor. The sound of the four mates laughing astounded every vampire in the building. The Kings had found their treasure... Their one true mate. Carlisle stood at the top of the stairs and smiled. He held hope for the future of his kind. Great things would come with Charlotte on the throne. He was sure of it.

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