Holiday Special #1

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A Mini Thanksgiving Special

Charlotte hummed happily as she danced in the kitchen. She wore a red sweater dress and black leggings, her feet bare and hair up in a bun. She dipped her finger into her cup of coco and licked off the whipped cream. Next to her Charlie was pulling the turkey out of the oven. The house smelled exactly how you would imagine it on Thanksgiving day. Turkey with a lemon glaze, Charlotte's 'famous' mashed potatoes and gravy, deviled eggs, stuffing, biscuits, it was wonderful. And Billy Black took in a big whiff when Jacob pushed him in. Though a certain smell had Billy's eyes lighting up.

"Is that your caramel apple cheesecake?!" The Quileute chief grinned and pushed Jacob's hands away so he could wheel straight for the fridge.

"It's sure is!" Charlotte laughed, "I made three." She winked.

"And one is mine right?" Billy opened the fridge and chuckled.

"The blue box has yours for home. The red is for tonight and the white is fo-"

"For me?" Harry Clearwater peeked his head into the kitchen with Seth beside him.

"Move it you two!" Sue pushed her way into the kitchen with her green bean casserole in her hands.

Several minutes later the men and teenage boys were all in the living room watching football while the girls set the table. Well, all the girls beside Bella. She had locked herself in her room again and refused  to come down. Charlotte had made her a plate and set it aside already. So Sue, Leah and Charlotte were the only ones in the kitchen and dining room. Which honestly was a good thing. Seth had 'tried' to help, but all he really did was steal bites of food. A well planted smack on the hand from his mother had solved that problem.

That night Charlotte sat between Leah and Seth, laughing as he launched mashed potatoes across the table at Jacob. She scolded Charlie after his fifth beer. She shared recipes with Sue. She talked old legends with Billy. And she beat Harry in arm wrestling, though she wouldn't admit she knew he let her win. This was Charlotte's family. And she was grateful for them. And after they left she crept upstairs to her makeshift bed in Bella's room.

Charlotte gave Bella her dinner and curled up next to her. She sang soft songs in Bella's ear as she cried over her lost love. She wiped away secrets tears as she wept for her cousin's broken heart. And she told Bella she was thankful for her. And when Bella fell asleep... Charlotte wrapped herself in blankets and sat in the old rocking chair. And there she slept, to watch over Bella and fight away her nightmares.

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