0.10 End

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*Trigger Warning: Violent Deaths and Severe Child Injuries*

"Mommy, are we at Uncle Charlie's yet?" Eight year old Charlotte whined as she kicked her feet on her Dad's seat.

"No, baby. We are not there. And can you please stop kicking your Dad's seat?" Annalise sighed.

"But Mommy I'm bored!" Charlotte pouted.

"Yeah, bored!" Four year old Atticus mimicked

"Stop copying me!" Charlotte yelled and stuck her tongue out at him.

"Mom! Lotti is being mean!" Atticus cried.

"Charlotte, be nice to your brother." Joseph groaned.

"But he keeps copying me!" Charlotte pouted and crossed her arms over her chest.

Atticus grinned and copied her action.

"He copied me!" Charlotte screamed and kicked her feet wildly.

"Charlotte! Stop it! Atticus don't copy her!" Joseph ordered and both children froze when his piercing blue eyes locked in them through the rearview mirror.

"Yes, Daddy." Both children said quietly and gave each other the stink eye.

"This storm is crazy." Annalise said and worriedly looked out the window at the raging snow storm.

"It'll be fine, Anna. It's just a little snow." Joseph smiled assuredly and reached over to rub her thigh.

"12 inches of snow overnight is not just a little snow." Annalise scoffed playfully.

"It'll be okay, baby. We will get to Charlie's, see the little Bella, drop off the kids for a night and you me can go enjoy a night alone." Joseph wiggled his eyebrows and Anna blushed.

"Shush!" She giggled and slapped his hand away from his thigh.

"You love me." Joseph grinned.

"I do..." Annalise smiled warmly and her brown eyes were full of love as she gazed at the side of her husband's face.

Turning to smile at her two children she snickered at the fact the two trouble makers were already asleep. Charlotte's face snuggled into her favorite stuffed animal. A beautiful silver wolf that Billy and Sarah Black given her when she was born. Billy always said that Charlotte was a member of the tribe no matter what. That she wasn't blood but she shared the same spirit. And Atticus had his face smooshed up against the side of his car seat. Drool running down his chin and his nose pushed straight up. She pulled out her camera and snapped a quick photo before smiling at Joseph again.

"Thank you." She whispered with tears in her eyes.

"For what, Baby?" Joseph asked as he flipped on his turn signal and turned left onto the road that lead to Charlie's.

"This family." Annalise bit her lip and tried to hold back her tears as she looked from Joseph to her children... And down to her belly where she placed her hand softly.

Joseph shook his head and chuckled before reaching over and gently placing his head on her belly. He was over joyed at the news they had received a week ago. He tensed when he saw something on the side of the road and put his hand back on the wheel.

"What the hell?" He muttered and then he slammed on the breaks.

That loving moment between Charlotte's parents was their last.

The car slammed into something and the front collapsed. Annalise Frost dying on impact threw her forward and she hit the dash, the force shattered her neck. Her head flopping to the side and blood streaming from her eyes, nose and mouth. Glass piercing her skin. Joseph Frost's ribs were crushed, his lungs collapsed, his now unseeing eyes trained on something in the road. Something dark. Something evil.

Poor Atticus Frost's small body was crushed from something hitting the side of the car second later, making it roll twice. His head now split open and blood pouring. The dripping sound of the gasoline and what sounded like laughter echoed. Charlotte's eyes were filled with blood as it dropped down her eyes. Opening them stung but she tried to. Her arm bent in a horrible way and leg pierced with glass. She choked on blood as she tried to breathe and she whispered, begging for her Daddy. The roof of the car was torn open and a stray piece of metal found itself lodged in her stomach. She felt a cold hand while away the blood from her eyes.

"H-help. It hurts." She sobbed and passed out.

The last thing she saw was a beautiful woman white as the snow around her with blonde hair and red eyes.

Charlie Swan was shoveling his driveway when he heard the horrifying sound. His heart dropped and he screamed into the house, "Renee! Call 911!"

He lept over his fence and ran down the road. Turning a blind corner he collapsed to the ground seeing the terrible wreck. His brother in law's car crumpled on its side, blood staining the snow. When he saw a small flame burst forth he charged again.

"Anna! Joe! Kids!" Charlie screamed as he reached the car and slid in the snow to the front. The sight of his sister's body dangling was forever burned in his memory. Her injuries something out of a nightmare. He knew she was gone. And so was Joe. He sobbed as he cut the seat belt and pulled her out of the car. Laying his sister in the snow. A small whimper caught his ear and panicked. Charlie found a large hole in the roof of the car and vomited seeing his nephew's corpse. But Charlotte's seat was empty...

"Charlotte!" Charlie screamed and his brown eyes locked on a trail of blood leading from the car into the woods.

He cried as he slipped on the snow trying to follow it. His body slamming into trees and branches. Forcing his way forward.

"Charlotte! Baby, where are you!" He shouted and his heart nearly stopped when he heard the howl of a wolf.

He didn't know why, but he followed the howling. Praying that his niece was still alive. Pushing through a final tree he came face to face with a massive white wolf. It stood taller than a man and had familiar brown eyes.

"Holy shit." He muttered under his breath and went to take a small step back.

The wolf growled and grabbed Charlie's coat with it's teeth. Yanking him passed him. Charlie fell into the snow and shouted fearing the wolf would end him. But it didn't. The wolf stood next to him and nudged him to look forward. So of course Charlie listened to the creature. He didn't know why, but he felt a sense of trust. Like he knew deep inside this wolf was a friend.

Charlie looked up and saw the bloody body of his niece. Her body pressed up against another large wolf, this one rusty in color. Her breathing was shallow, but there.

"Lotti!" Charlie sobbed and crept forward. He brought her into his arms and cradled her to his chest. He gave warily eyes to the wolf until he noticed the rusty colored wolf lay a small blood soaked toy at his feet. Charlie's eyes were in disbelief as he stared at it. He stood on shaky legs and stared at the wolf.


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