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"None of this is your fault, angel. Do not act as though this is."

"If it wasn't for me their lives would be fine." words spilled from her lips as if they were water and she was a river.

"No, love. Samuel Uley is a troubled man who did not care for protecting his people. He already was craving war with the Cullens and had a target painted on your cousin's back. He planned to kill her before she was turned and then attack the Cullens." Aro reached out to take her hand, but stopped himself. The action confused her and was a small distraction from her emotional turmoil.

"How do you know that?"

Ar took a deep and unneeded breath, "It is my gift, my dear."

"You have a gift too? Like Marcus?" She couldn't remember any of them saying he also had one. Did Caius have one. She glanced over at the blonde, the question in her eyes, but he shook his head.

"Not quite... every gift is different for a vampire. No two gift exactly the same. Mine is a lot more similar to Edward's." Aro was staring at his hands like they were evil and she wondered if they had a part in his gift.

"Edward's?" Edward had one too? Who else?

"Edward is capable of reading minds. It is actually part of what drew him to your cousin. She is a shield so he is unable to see into her mind." Marcus took over for Aro while the raven haired man looked deeply troubled.

"And... yours is like his? You read minds?" Now there was mind reading vampires? More than one? She would focus on the Bella being a shield part later.

"He hears it. Able to hear any current thoughts you have like one would hear a conversation... mine is much more powerful, but... it is limited." Aro's voice was so soft now she could barely hear him, so she leaned closer her hand almost touching his.


"I need skin to skin contact." at that she drew back from him and stared with wide blue eyes.

"So you can hear what I am thinking when you touch me?" That was better than Edward.

"And every thought you have ever had in your life." Never mind. Not better than Edward.

"What?" she let out a shaky breath and looked at Marcus and Caius for confirmation of Aro's words.

"Please do not fear me, Charlotte. I have made sure to avoid any contact with your skin in order to protect your privacy... as best as I can." She caught his last few words even though he muttered them like he was ashamed.

"You touched me?" she gasped and felt a small spike of anger.

"The battle... with the newborns? You remember it now, yes?" Aro wet his lips with his tongue and she felt a need to taste his lips. But she shook the thought away.

"Yeah. What of it?" Charlotte coughed out and felt Caius place his hand on top of hers that was on his knee.

"You nearly died. And I had no choice but to save you. I am sorry, Charlotte. I wanted to wait and get your permission before but I had to save you. I couldn't watch you fall to your death before my eyes." Aro closed his eyes and looked away from his mate. The memory of nearly losing her still brought him a great deal of sorrow.

Charlotte closed her eyes and took a few moments to calm herself, the spike of anger disappearing and replaced with a strange emotion. "Aro... it's okay. I forgive you."

"You are not angry with me?" Aro's head turned so quickly to her that it was almost comical. Almost.

"No. I am upset, but I understand. Thank you for saving me. It's hard for me to accept, the mind reading, but we are meant to be together, right?" Charlotte gave him the best smile she could.

"Yes." he nodded slowly, still wide eyed.

"Then I will come to accept it. Maybe not right now, but I promise I will. But you have seen everything from before all this, right?"

"Sadly, yes." The look of shame crawled back into his red eyes.

"Then there isn't much to hide is there? No point?" she raised a brow and inched closed to him.

"You don't have to, my dear. I can wai-"

Aro's voice went silent as Charlotte pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek and her fingers slipped between his to hold his hand tightly. His eyes closed and he gave a sigh of relief and pleasure at finally having contact with her. Charlotte's thoughts swam through his head and he hummed at the tingle her lips left on his skin. When she pulled away she kept her hand in his. A sly smirk covering his lips when he heard of the thoughts she was having about him. She blushed and cursed out of embarrassment before releasing his hand and pouting at him. Though she wasn't the only one with a pout. Marcus leaned forward and pressed his lips to her cheek, next to her ear. She yelped out a small squeak and tumbled back slightly into Caius's chest. The blonde King grinned at her and took the chance to leave a kiss on her nose. Charlotte batted the two Kings away playfully and crossed her arms over her chest.

"You three are unbelievable." Charlotte scoffed.

"I had no part in their actions." Aro chuckled and she gave him a small glare.

"My love, I do not mean to change the mood... but have you thought about returning with us?"

Charlotte looked up at Aro and the man stayed silent, already knowing her answer but choosing to stay quiet so she could speak. She nodded at him, thankful, and turned to her two other mates.

"I have..." she took one of their hands in each of theirs.

"That doesn't sound like a good thing..." Caius frowned and looked up at Aro.

"I want to go. I do. I want to try and make this work. But so much has happened. I am confused. My whole life has changed and I don't know what decision to make. I want to go with you to Volterra. Please understand that I truly do." she closed her eyes and felt a wave of confidence when Aro placed a comforting hand on her back. 

"But you don't want to leave your Uncle?" Marcus was glancing between her and Aro to confirm his thought.

"Charlie raised me. He is my only family left besides Bella. And she is going to be turning soon and leaving with the Cullens. I don't want to leave him behind."

"Angel... Hasn't he told you yet?" Caius looked confused.

"Told me what?" she was looking between three sets of eyes for an answer and found it in Marcus's next words.

"Love... your Uncle is retiring and coming to Volterra with us."

Frau des Winters *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now