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Elias skidded to a halt in front of the Cullen house. As he placed Charlotte down carefully she backed up into him when several other vampires in white appeared. She recognized two of them from the party. A woman named Celeste and a man named Hawthorne. The other woman she remembered seeing at some point, but couldn't place a name.

"Elias, what is it?" Hawthorne immediately began speaking, eyes scanning over Charlotte, checking for visible injuries.

"Samuel Uley attacked at the cemetery." Elias hissed and Charlotte jumped slightly when the other vampires hissed as well.

"The alpha?" Hawthorne snarled.

"Are you injured, My Queen?" While Hawthorne and Elias spoke the two women began fussing over Charlotte.

"Um no. I am fine." Charlotte blushed as one lifted her arms and sniffed at the jacket.

"Who else was there?" The unknown female whispered in fear after taking in the scent.

"Jared Cameron. The former beta. He took on Samuel to allow me to get the Queen away." Elias scowled at the mention of Sam.

"He is alone?!" Celeste shouted in outrage.

"Jared is stronger than you think." Elias said but it sounded as if he was reassuring himself.

"He is the one that saved my ass during the newborn fight." Hawthorne nodded in agreement.

"Paul went in to join the fight." Elias said softly and watched the unknown woman's reaction.

The woman whose name escaped Charlotte's memory gasped.

"That must be why Leah left as well." Hawthorne tsked.

"Are the Kings here?" Elias questioned.

"They are hunting a few hours away." Celeste shook her head.

"Adelaide, Hawthorne, go to the cemetery to check on Jared. Report back as soon as possible." Elias ordered.

"And Uley?" Hawthorne looked like he was itching for a fight.

"If he beat Jared take him out. If not then allow the wolves to deal with him until the Kings return. Celeste, send word to the Kings at once. And inform Demetri and Jane of the attack. They are watching over Charlie at the station. If Sam beat Jared they are much closer." Elias's words were final.

"Yes, sir." And all the other vampires vanished into thin air.

"My Queen, please let us go inside. Your cousin is here."

"What will you do?"

"I will meet with Seth and have him watch over you while I run the border. Samuel may have some followers." Elias kept glancing to her right and she followed his gaze.

She saw a smaller wolf, still large though, standing next to a tree. The wolf barked out a greeting before moving into the brush. A minute later a shirtless Seth poor out of the bushes, tugging on a pair of shorts.

"Elias! What's going on?" Seth jogged over and Charlotte's eyes widened at seeing not only the pack tattoo but also a strange symbol on his chest. It looked rather fresh and reminded her of the necklace each of her mates wore.

"An attack by Samuel Uley. I need you to stay with the Queen while I go on patrol."

The smile left Seth's lips and he nodded slowly, "On it. Come on, your Queenliness. Esme made some killer blackberry pie." Seth grinned at her and she let him take her arm.

As Seth lead her towards the house she glanced back at Elias who gave a tiny smile before vanishing before her eyes. She chewed her lip as she thought about Jared. She prayed the younger man was okay. She had to hope that Paul got there in time. A hand gently touched her face and she looked up at Seth.

"Hey. Everything will be okay. Jared is pretty tough. And he is hella fast! And he was the beta so he is really strong." His cheeky grin made her feel warmth inside.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"No probs." The boy smiled and tugged her up the stairs, as he opened the door he shouted, "Wolf coming in. Don't shoot!"

Charlotte's brows furrowed at his statement before a blast of cold water hit him in the face. She gasped and started laughing when she saw Rosalie Hale standing in the doorway with a small water bottle. The beautiful blonde had a scowl on her face that faded when she saw Charlotte.

"Come on, man!" Seth whined and wiped away the water.

"Bad dog." Rose glared at Seth and bowed her head respectfully to Charlotte before heading upstairs.

"I didn't even do anything!" Seth whined and pouted.

"Charlotte! Are you okay?! Edward just told me!" Bella rushed out from seemingly no where and embraced her elder cousin tightly.

"I am okay, Bells. Really." Charlotte sighed and rubbed her head.

"Good. Esme has been cooking. I think there is some left over. Need to get some before the wolves eat it all." Bella gave Seth a look and led Charlotte into the kitchen.

Esme was cleaning a few dishes and turned to greet them. She had a shy smile and avoided eye contact.

"Your majesty."

Charlotte pulled Esme into a tight hug, "Just Charlotte."

Esme smiled brightly. She had been so happy to find a friend in her future Queen, but believed their friendship to be ruined after Morgan's attack.

"How are you feeling, Charlotte?" Esme pulled out of the hug and looked over her friend.

She didn't look injured and she couldn't smell any blood.

"On edge, but okay." Charlotte sighed and took off Paul's jacket. She set it on a stool before rolling up her sleeves and helping with the dishes.

"You don't have to do that." Esme frowned slightly.

"I know. But I want to." Charlotte's smile eased Esme's nerves.

Charlotte, Bella and Esme cleaned the kitchen and sat down to enjoy some pie. Well, Charlotte and Bella enjoyed our while Esme just sat with them. They spent a long time just talking about everything under the sun. Though the conversation soon turned to wedding planning. That's when Alice happily joined in and soon followed by Rosalie.

Charlotte had just finished asking about the dress when the front door slammed opened. All three female vampires flinched at the volume of the sound. Charlotte screamed in shook when a force slammed into her and she found her face buried in a chest. The feel of a cold necklace against her cheek gave her a guess as to who it was. But it was the sight of brown hair that gave it away. Then there was someone beside her and a pair of hands on her waist.

"Um... Hi?"

Frau des Winters *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now