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Caius tried desperately to contain his beast as he sat on the witch's couch. He had always despised witches, at least a few covens and families of them, but his least favorite had always been the Gray Witch Bernadette Carlos. She had been a pain in his side for over seven hundred years and now he had to deal with her being his mate's guardian.

He cursed the High Council for their choice. Couldn't they have picked a Green or Blue Witch? Anyone but her would have been ideal. Even that damned Red Warlock, Ishgar, would have worked. And he had wanted that man's head for around four hundred years now. But no. The Gods truly hated him.

"You look like you just sucked a drunkard's ass." The witch laughed at his expression.

Caius's fingers curled into the arm of the couch, his nails slicing through the fabric like butter, his eyes closed as he tried to control himself, "Why have I not ripped your flesh from your bones yet?"

"Because the Treaty stands and you wouldn't dare harm me anyway. Your mate wouldn't take my death well..." Ms. Carlos smirked at the man and rubbed her chin thoughtfully,"even if you could kill me."

"Brothers... Let me. Let me end this disgusting creature." Caius almost moaned in delight at the thought of finally being rid of the Gray Witch.

"You know the law, Caius." Aro rolled his eyes, rather bored and still irritated at the lighting that nearly hit his face.

"Bernadette. . . Why are you here?" Marcus had a hard look on his face.

For once Ms. Carlos didn't pester Caius, mock Aro, or belittle Marcus. Her eyes grew sad and she looked at a photo of a man on the wall. He had haunting blue eyes, black hair as dark as the night and a charming smile. Charlotte had asked her about him many times and all she could say... Would say... Was that he was an old friend.

"Because he asked me to watch over his child... And I failed him. I won't let anymore of his line die."


"So you knew... All this time?" Charlotte sighed.

"The wolves, yes. Vampires? Not so much." Charlie sunk into his chair with tired eyes.

"And... It was Billy and Harry that saved me... That day." It wasn't a question.

"I followed the blood into the woods. Imagine my surprise at finding you curled up with two massive wolves." Charlie chuckled darkly at the memory.

"Was it a vampire?" She stuttered over her words.

Charlie nodded slowly watching her face closely, "They wouldn't tell me then, but now... I figured it out after Carlisle explained everything to me."

"After... The attack?" She gulped, now remembering that day.


"Charlie... I... I don't know what to do." Tears filled her eyes.

"The choice is yours, kiddo." Charlie knew what she was thinking.

In a short time everything had come out. Now she knew the truth about the Tribe, her cousin and the Cullens, her family's death, and being mated to three of the most powerful supernatural beings in the world. Granted, Charlie didn't know about her own new found secret, but what he already knew was big enough.

Her mind and heart were in turmoil. Carlisle and The Kings had explained the mate bond to him, he knew the importance of it. And he knew she felt it. She was a smart woman and could understand now the pull in her chest. But... Now she also knew that a vampire was responsible for the deaths of her parents and brother. No one knew who the vampire was or why she had attacked, but Charlie knew she was blaming herself. Maybe that vampire knew her destiny and had targeted her early in life. Maybe. But that was the past. There was nothing to be done now and it would NEVER be considered her fault.

Frau des Winters *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now