Chapter Three

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After a few hours of talking with Riley I decided to unpack.

I noticed leaflets on my bedside table, there was a map, a welcome guide and an itinerary and timetable showing what activities were at certain times and when food was served and when it stopped being served.

"Riley foods being served in ten minutes, do you want to go now to get a table?" I asked not looking up from the three different leaflets

"Sure" I heard her climbing down the ladder so I put the map and timetable in my back pocket and left the other leaflet on my side table

As we walked into the cafeteria there were quite a few other campers already sitting down, there were a few long tables and a few circle tables

I was looking around for a table when Riley tapped my arm "Over there" she pointed over to a boy and a table that was quite empty so we made our way over

Riley sat next to the boy and I sat opposite them both "Hey Farkle" she said as we sat down, so this was the Farkle she talked about so much

Farkle has short brown hair that was swept upwards, fair skin and blue eyes "Hi" he said facing Riley and then he turned to look at me "you're new?"

"Very observant genius" I joked and he blushed slightly "I'm Maya" I held out my hand

He shook my hand "Nice to meet you Maya, I'm Farkle"

As time passed more and more campers started filling the cafeteria luckily we had already got some food so we didn't have to wait in the massive queues

"Why is nobody sitting at that table" I wondered pointing over to the only empty table and it wasn't a small circle one it was a bigger table

Riley and Farkle both turned to see where I was pointing and then looked back at me "Thats the staffs table, it's where all the people who work here sit" Farkle informed me before taking a bite of his sandwich

The door swung open and by a curious chance I looked and it was Lucas, the other counsellors and a few people I didn't recognise

I followed him with my eyes as he walked, they sat down at the empty table. I don't know what it was about him that made me so hypnotised whenever he walked into a room

Riley and Farkle were just mumbles in the background, this probably looked weird I should look away he's just a guy, why am I getting so hung up over him I don't even know him

I felt a smile come onto my face when I saw him laugh, I couldn't really hear him over the mutters of the other kids but he looked so happy it made me happy

He's just a guy a really attractive guy, who jokes with me... no Maya snap out of it

I'm not the type of person who falls this easy, I'm a fighter, I'm tough, I might be hiding all of that now and pushing it into the past but that doesn't mean I've changed and I can't let my guard down

"Maya? Earth to Maya" Riley was waving her hand in my face, I blinked and turned to look at her

"Hmm what? Did you say something?" I slightly blushed, well this was awkward I was just staring at their table for who knows how long

"You were just kinda out of it for a minute" I faked a laugh and looked down at my food

"Sorry, I was just daydreaming" I looked back up at them and half smiled

I needed a distraction from Lucas, so I put all my attention on Riley and Farkle... well I tried too

I occasionally keep sneaking a glance over his way

Riley and Farkle were rambling about something so I looked over at him but as I looked at Lucas he turned and looked directly at me.

I quickly looked away, great now he's caught me looking over at him because that's not embarrassing at all! I slightly looked up again to see if he was still looking my way

He was.

I softly smiled in his direction and he tipped an imaginary hat at me and looked away, did this boy know what he was doing to me!

"So what do you think Maya?" Riley asked me something and looked back at her

"Did you hear what we were talking about?" Farkle asked me and I felt rude if I told them I wasn't paying attention again so I lied

"Yeah I did" they looked like they were waiting for me to say more but I don't know what

"So do you mind?" Riley asked and I thought about things they could be asking but I honestly have no idea

"I don't?" Hopefully this is the answer they wanted to hear, but I have no idea what I was agreeing too. I'm just digging myself into a bigger hole

"Okay it's settled then" Farkle said with a smile, settled what's been settled?

My confusion levels are reaching their maximum right now

"So go over what's going on again" I asked hoping they thought I just wanted to check what I was agreeing too

"I thought you were listening" Farkle questioned me but Riley answered me anyway

"On the first day there aren't any activities so everyone can settle and unpack, so every year Farkle sneaks into my cabin and we stay up watching movies together" Riley started explaining but I just felt more confused

Why would this bother me?

"So I asked you if you minded that Farkle was staying round since you don't know each other and you and me would probably have to squish into the top bunk bed" Riley finished explaining their little plan

Were they really that considerate that she wanted to ask my permission before inviting her friend over

"Yeah like I said I'm fine with it, I was just checking" I smiled

People around us started standing up and leaving, I pulled out the timetable from my back pocket and saw that food was stopping being served soon

Riley and Farkle then stood up so I did too, well everyone seemed to stick exactly to the schedule. That's something I'll have to get used too

We were stood outside our cabin just waiting "Why aren't we going in?" I asked getting a little cold

"We're waiting for you to open the door" Farkle said crossing his arms

"Riley has the key" I said rubbing my arms trying to warm myself up a little, I was always cold

"No I thought you had the key" I sighed loudly, seriously it's still the first day and we've already lost the key

"Now what?" I asked and Riley looked at Farkle

"We have to go to the cabin leader" Farkle informed me whilst looking at Riley, I don't understand why they both seemed nervous

"Right then let's go" I was going to walk but I realised neither Farkle or Riley were moving

"We don't want to get in trouble" she said looking at her feet, I scoffed at them

Seriously she sneaks him into her cabin every year but she's worried about getting into trouble for loosing a key

"Fine, you two go to Farkles and I'll get us a key. Just tell me where to go" Riley looked up at me and nodded

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