Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Lucas PoV

Maya has been distancing herself from everyone for the past week, she's hurt and she blames herself.

Today's the funeral for all the lives that were lost that day, throughout the service Maya couldn't stop crying, Riley had to take her outside to try and help her calm down half way through the memorial

Everyone had pretty much left the memorial by now except for Maya she was still looking at his picture, I came up beside her and put my arm around her

"We have to go" I spoke softly and gently rubbed her arm

She didn't say anything she just nodded and we started walking out, after this week she's been this shell of herself, she barely talks to anyone, she barely eats, she spends most of her time alone and nothing any of us do seems to help

As we were heading out one of the detectives who was on the case stopped us "Ms Hunter?" He questioned and Maya tearfully looked up

"We found this with Mr Woods belongings, it was in his jacket pocket" He handed Maya a letter and gave us his condolences

Maya PoV

I sat on my bed and ripped open the letter, the envelope had blood on it and it almost made me start crying again

"Hey Ace, if you're reading this you've either unfortunately stumbled across this (which if you did sorry I should of hid it better) and everything's fine and we made it out okay or that didn't happen and I'm gone.

I just want you to know, there's nothing you could of done I know you you'll be blaming yourself but Ace this has always been my plan.

I'm sorry it had to come to this and I hope you'll forgive my past mistakes one day. Just do this one thing for me, don't completely close yourself off, live your life Maya, have kids, get married, grow old with somebody just be happy you deserve that.

Final parting words from beyond the grave, you'll be okay you're stronger than I ever was in more ways than one. I'm just grateful I got the chance to know you and love you and be your best friend, your partner, your sparring buddy, a shoulder to cry on, anything you needed. I might be gone but I'll still be there for you as sappy as it is.

I still remember the day we met you were a little wide eyed, fiery little blonde girl and we were only five and playing in the sandpit but you were still just as bossy and badass then as you are now and I still remember that first kiss after sparring practice or the many more times after that, the time I asked you to be my girlfriend. I'm sorry for all the terrible things I've done I hope in some way this redeems all the bad shit I've done

Just know I love you. I'm sorry I've never been able to say it before but I do, you're the best thing that ever happened to me

You'll always be the one I love Ace.

P.s: As annoying as he is Friar is a good guy and I know he cares about you, don't push him away. "

I sniffled and wiped away my tears, I thought back to the times he mentioned in the letter.

I'm so sorry Jay.

I stood up from my bed and opened my closet, I grabbed my jacket and then sat back down on my bed

I clutched onto it tightly I closed my eyes letting my tears roll down my cheeks. When I opened my eyes I looked at my jacket

The top of it was bloodied from when Jay grabbed it, I placed the jacket on.

I just sat there with my thoughts in my own world until my bedroom door opened and Lucas walked inside

He's been staying with us, my dads in a recovery centre doing lots of physical therapy and there's a spare room in our house and since me and my mom can't leave because of all the press following our every move he's been a big help

"Can I come in?" He asked reluctantly

I just nodded not saying anything, I've been more distant with him recently and I do care about him but I don't want to loose anyone else

"How you holding up?" Well that's a stupid question

He sat beside me on my bed "Is that the jacket you were wearing?" I nodded staring at my hands and not looking at Lucas

"I'm really sorry Maya, I wish there was more I could do" I know he cares about me but I don't know how to get through this

I lifted up my pillow and grabbed a picture from underneath it and then I sat back next to Lucas

"It was my fault" In trying not to close myself away I'm really trying but it's hard

"No it wasn't, he had already made up his mind there's nothing you could of done" I looked over at Lucas

"I'm sorry." I dragged him, Riley, Farkle and that whole camp into a horrible mess

"You don't need to apologise for anything" He showed a small smile

"Do you want to get some food?" He asked as he stood up from the bed

I hesitated, I was going to say no but then I remembered Jay's letter he wants me to carry on with my life

"Okay." I waited until he left and then I got changed into jeans and a white blouse


"I thought it'd be good for you to get out, somewhere nice" We walked inside the restaurant and it was beautiful, candles everywhere, flowers on the table and there was soft piano music in the background

It looked like a very expensive place, Lucas was even wearing a suit

Once we were inside I noticed nobody else was here "Where is everyone?" I asked looking around

"I made sure you wouldn't have any distractions" He's very thoughtful, I've been very jumpy lately any little sound scares me and gives me flashbacks

"Mr Friar we are delighted to have you here tonight, let me show you to your table" The host came over to us and then led us to a table

"The wine is a gift from us" He placed a bottle of wine on the table and he left to give us a moment

Lucas came and pulled out my chair for me, I sat down and then Lucas sat opposite me "Thank you" I said slightly smiling

This was a lot.

"Yeah it's a nice restaurant isn't it" He said looking around

"Yeah but for more than that, you've been really patient with me and I, I um I know I haven't been easy these last few weeks so thank you" He leaned over and grabbed my hand gently

"What else was I going to do" He smiled at me and I held his hand

"I don't know what to say" thankfully I didn't have to say anything the waiter came over to us

"Have you decided on what you'll be having?" He asked and I realised I hadn't even looked

I let go of Lucas's hand and lifted up the menu "I haven't even looked, there's so much to choose from" The waiter poured us both a glass of the wine and he placed some flowers in the vase that was in the middle of the table

I'm guessing Lucas lied slightly about his age, he's technically not twenty one yet but he almost is

"Should I make a toast?" Lucas asked lifting up his glass

I looked up at him tearfully "Could you give us a moment" Lucas asked the waiter

"Of course sir" he walked away and Lucas placed his glass down and walked over to my side of the table

He pulled up a chair and sat beside me "I'm sorry" I cried and Lucas put his arm around me and I rest my head on his shoulder

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the story, I was thinking of maybe doing a sequel if you all would like that?

I know technically it's not fully a Lucaya fanfic since there is Jay's character but even though Jay's character was in the story there were still lots of Lucaya moments

Either way, I hope you enjoyed the story and all the drama of it, let me know your thoughts

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