Chapter Ten

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I've been here a few weeks now we've done loads of different activities like raft building, camp survival skills, swimming, and some days we have a free day where we can all do whatever we want to and on the night they sometimes roast marshmallows and talk or tell spooky ghost stories

If I'm being honest this place is growing on me I think I'm actually starting to have fun but that might just be the people I'm with

I'm such great friends with Riley now it's so strange if people didn't know us they would probably assume we had been friends for years when in reality we've only know each other a few weeks

And Farkle he's becoming one of my closest friends too he's so sweet, a little awkward at times and extremely smart it's kinda annoying sometimes how smart he is but it's what's great about him.

As for Lucas, I have spoke to him quite a bit the awkwardness from the beach quickly disappeared.

I think he's noticed it too but we've had a few moments during the activities it's hard to explain what it feels like, but it's sort of like the whole world disappears around me and it's just us in this one moment.

God that sounds so cheesy! I'm never this much of a romantic.

Well it's not just moments...
I'm pretty sure he likes me too we flirt and joke around a lot but maybe him flirting is just him joking around with me

"Peaches? What are you doing?" Riley asked as she peered her head over the side of her bed

'Peaches' was her new nickname for me, I think she started calling it me because my middle name is Penelope but I'm not sure. Either way it's cute

I put my notebook down and looked up at her "Nothing" I gave her a soft smile

"So what's one the agenda for today?" I asked referring to the schedule she had

Riley moved and I heard her climbing down the steps, she then sat next to me and got out a piece of paper "Ooh rock climbing first"

I smiled enthusiastically I've always wanted to try rock climbing it sounds so fun

"Great then what?" Just as I asked this a voice came over the speakers

"First activities will be delayed today as we are holding a meeting, can all campers report to the main building" it was Margery, I wonder what this was about

Riley and me got up and quickly changed before heading over to the main building to find out whatever this meeting was

As we waited by Farkle and the other campers Margery came onto the little stage and tapped the microphone which just made a high pitched noise screech out of it

Once the horrible noise quietened down she started speaking "Hello campers! Great to see you all today"

She was so enthusiastic and I have no idea how it was still early! And she's old shouldn't she be I don't know sitting down or something ?

"We have an announcement to make" as she said this murmurs started in the crowd everyone with their own theories about what this was going to be. Hopefully it was something good

"Quieten down now." She stood there until everyone stopped talking, she had a mic she could easily speak over us but nope

"We have a new camp counsellor, he's new so he will be visiting all the groups. Now everyone please give a warm welcome to Miles Peterson" everyone clapped and cheered as he came onto the stage but me, no I wasn't doing either I was even smiling anymore

At first I didn't recognise the name but I recognised his face immediately.

That face, that person, that jerk who I never wanted to see again was back, he was here and I knew he was here for me.

"I'm feeling a little sick I'll be right back" I whispered to Riley and quickly rushed outside

Things were going well, I was happy but now he's here why is he here. He's using a fake name I'm sure I could get him kicked out if I tell Margery the truth and who he really is.

Jay Woods.

Why was he here, I thought this was over!

I needed to calm down I can't let him see me upset or worried I can't let anyone see me like this or they'll just ask questions I don't want to answer

I took a few deep breaths trying to calm myself down a little when the doors opened and a flood of kids came out

I waited to the side for Riley to come out when somebody came up and approached me

"Hey" I turned around to face him

"Hey Huckleberry" I smiled softly

"Are you okay, I noticed you leave" I was a little shocked I wasn't aware anyone even noticed I was gone, it's sweet of him to check on me but I guess that is his job

"Oh yeah I'm fine, I'm just not feeling too good" He nodded and I slightly turned back to the door looking for Riley

"Do you still want to do the activities today?" He asked and I turned quickly to face him

"Hell yeah! There's no way I'm missing rock climbing" he chuckled slightly and I my smile widened

"Peaches!" I felt an arm warp over my shoulders I turned to see Riley smiling

"Riles!" I mimicked her excited high pitched voice she glared at me and we both laughed neither of us could stay serious together

Lucas walked away and gathered up everyone from our group to go rock climbing

This was going to be fun and hopefully this will take my mind off him.

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