Chapter Two

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"I wonder what cabin we're getting?" Riley asked as we were waiting in yet another line to get our cabin keys

"I'm guessing you've been here before?" I asked since she knew a lot about this place, the good parts and the bad and she seemed to know who everyone was

"Yeah I've been here as long as I can remember" I just nodded letting her carry on talking, she's quite talkative but I don't really mind

"My friend comes most years too but you can't bunk with a boy so he always tries to get a cabin nearby"  We were next in line so I didn't want to answer her and start a conversation right when I need to talk to somebody else

I stepped forward "What's your name?" He asked me not looking up from his clipboard

"Maya Hart" I simply answered "And I'm bunking with Riley-" I realised I didn't know her last name

I turned around to face her "Riley what's your last name?" I said it in mostly a whisper so he didn't overhear

"Matthews. Riley Matthews" she answered for me and Lucas looked up at us

When he looked up our eyes met, he had these dazzling green eyes, they're like a blue and green colour mix. I have to admit he's so much more attractive up close. Damn.

I didn't break away from his gaze, truthfully I didn't want to but somebody behind me faked a cough and it was like we both snapped back into reality

"Here's your cabin key" he said looking down at his clipboard again and holding out a key

Lucas PoV

"Maya Hart" the next girl in the queue said, I looked through my clipboard and came across her name

All it said was her name, parent contact details and names and her age.

Maya Penelope Hart, seventeen and her parents Katy Hart - her mother and her dad wasn't mentioned all it said was 'not specified' which means when she applied her she didn't write down her dads name, I wonder why

I looked up when her friend Riley said her name, I knew Riley I saw her last year but she wasn't in my group.

Wow. The girl standing before me was extremely stunning, she had long curly blonde hair, a cute button nose, dreamy ocean blue eyes, and rosy pink full lips, I couldn't help but think about her lips — No! I can't think like this

Somebody cleared their throat behind her and I looked back down at the clipboard blushing slightly, I grabbed the first key I could and passed it to her

"Here's your cabin key" When our hands touched I felt a spark of electricity run through my body and then she moved her hand away "Thanks"

Maya PoV

I took they key from him "Thanks" I quickly grabbed Riley's hand and we started walking away

"What was that?" Riley asked a big grin on her face

I didn't answer I just stopped walking and looked around at the different cabins "Which cabin is this?" I showed her the key Lucas gave me since I couldn't see the number on any of the cabins

"Maya, that's not for our cabins" Riley's confused face was exactly how I felt inside. Confused. What did she mean?

"Then what's it fo-" Before I could finish my sentence I heard somebody shout my name

Lucas PoV

Maya quickly walked away once I handed her the key, after a few more people got their keys I realised I was missing my key

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