Chapter Thirty-Three

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Flashback - Maya aged 6

All the kids in the academy were now getting in their first ceremony to welcome them into the academy and to begin their training

As it was Maya's turn her dad, Shawn, who is the leader crouched down in front of her and handed her their badge which held the crest on it

"I'm very proud of you my little warrior" Maya giggled and tightly hugged her dad

"Thank you daddy" she smiled brightly and her dad softly kissed her on her forehead and carried on welcoming the other children into the academy

Flashback ends

That was the beginning of everything if only we both knew what we were getting into and how downhill the academy would go after my dad recruited his second in command

We would of done things very differently if we knew the outcome

"I can't believe your dad would bring small children into what sounds like a hellhole" Riley snapped angrily

I get that she must think we are all sick for doing this but she has no right to talk about my father she doesn't know him or anything she can't judge him because of other people's mistakes

"Don't ever speak badly about my dad, are we clear?" I said aggressively glaring at her

My dad and me had a very close relationship, and I love him with all my heart and he was a best friend and a dad, he helped me with everything and supported me and loved me unconditionally so I'm very defensive when it comes to him

Riley moved back on the bed like she was scared of me and my heart broke "I'm sorry Riles I just get upset when people talk badly about my dad I shouldn't of snapped" I apologised but I don't think she'll accept it

"It was never bad at first, my dad never hurt kids it wasn't his intention with the academy we were training with the government but after his second in command Markus overthrew him things went downhill" My voice went shaky and I had to sit down on the chair behind me, I can't think about my dad without getting upset and shaking

"Maya" Lucas said my name softly letting me know he was there for me, he didn't move he just sat there but at least now he's looking up at me. I shook away the tears and carried on

"A lot happened, a lot I regret and I'm not proud of and that's one of the reasons I left but you need to know what they're capable of" This is the part I'm scared to tell

I have things that I could say that would make them hate me but I'm leaving all of that out there's no way I can tell them certain things

"D-did you kill anyone?" Farkle asked me in almost a whisper

"No!" I immediately said back, it's a lie though. I did once accidentally when I was trying to escape

I can't tell them that though

Flashback - from just over six months ago — Maya PoV

"Jay I can't stay here any more" He held me tight in his arms comforting me

"You can't leave, he won't let you" I rested my head against his chest breathing in the smell of his cologne for maybe the last time

He knew I was leaving and nothing was going to stop me, after what happened to my dad me and my mom aren't safe here anymore

"Why can't you come with me?" I asked moving my head from his chest and looking up at him

"If I don't distract them you'll never get the chance to leave" I know he's right but I can't stand the thought of never seeing him again

"We can't wait anymore" Jay unwrapped his arms from around me and I knew it was now or never

"Please be careful he can't know you helped me" Jay nodded and kissed me goodbye

I let tears fall down my face as I kissed him back, he softly wiped away my fallen tears and left to start the distraction to give me an opening to leave

Not long after Jay left the alarm system started blaring and I knew it was go time

I quickly left the room I was hiding out in and started making my way down the halls clutching my blades tightly in my hands

I felt a hand tightly clutch my shoulder so I spun around and cut their arm and started running, I'm not like Markus I would never kill anyone, severely injure yes, but I'd never kill

I'm so close to the exit I just need to get outside and wait for my mom to meet me

Just as I was close to the exit a group of four guys from my classes surrounded me

"You sure you want to do this, we all know who will win" I threatened holding up my blades

They gave me an intimidating look and closed in on me

Four against one combat is tricky and very challenging but I was taught by my father and one of the best instructors in this place, he was aggressive, and scary but sure as hell knew how to make a good fighter

I'm better than all of these combined and I know it

I let them believe they were winning and I 'fell' to the ground, I spat out blood and looked over my shoulder, I threw my knife behind me and it hit one of the guys straight in the chest

I quickly stood back up and as I did I picked up a brick from the floor and hit another over the head with it

Just two to go

"Come on Hunter just give in, we'll let boss go easy on you and your little boyfriend Woods" I scoffed and moved a step away from them

"Ex boyfriend, and why would I give up when I'm winning" One of the guys just laughed and I realised too late more had came behind me

An arm wrapped around my neck from behind me and they lifted me up, I stabbed the blade in their leg and used both my hands to try and get their arm from around me and stop them from strangling me

He just took out the blade like it was nothing and dropped it on the floor, the next thing I know everything was black

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