Chapter Twenty-Nine

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We went straight to Lucas's cabin to avoid any questions from anyone

Lucas sat on the end of his bed and rested his elbows on his knees and placed his head in his hands

I crouched down in front of him "Lucas" he moved his head out of his hands

"Please don't blame yourself for this" He couldn't look me in my eyes and it hurt, I don't want him to be distant with me because he blames himself

"It's not that Hart... I think somebody meant to hurt you" I played it off and laughed

I stood up "Come on Huckleberry, that's a bit extreme" Lucas stood up too anger in his voice

"No, I don't think so. Something like this doesn't just happen." He can't be doing this, I can't put him in danger again and if he keeps reading more into this he's going to uncover things that I never want anyone to find out

"It makes me happy that you care so much, but don't read too much into things it's just a freak accident." I softly kissed him and went to the cabin door

"I'll be right back I'm going to get you some ice" As I left Lucas's cabin I bumped into somebody

"You better stay away from me" I threatened getting tense

I don't know who I can trust anymore

He grabbed my hand and moved me to the side of the cabins out of earshot of everyone else

I moved my hand out of his grip and crossed my arms "You have to leave right now."

I rolled my eyes "You don't think I know that!" I whisper yelled, trying to keep attention off us

"I was just almost killed, again." He groaned and looked around

"Wait a minute. You were at that beach?" How the hell did he know it happened at the beach

I swear if he's the one to told them to hurt Lucas, he has no way to redeem himself 

"Please tell me this wasn't your doing?" I felt like I was back to a year ago, I get hurt and it's all because of Jay

"I didn't know you were there." He spoke like he wasn't in the wrong, even if I wasn't there Lucas would still be hurt

"We had a deal. You don't hurt him and I don't tell your secret" Jay sighed and I can't tell if he just doesn't care at all or if he feels bad but he's hiding it

"I didn't! When it comes to you I always keep my word" Then what the fuck happened? People don't just get attacked for no reason

"I didn't send the new recruits, it wasn't my order. I called them away" If it wasn't Jay then my first thoughts are right. They really have found me

On one hand I'm glad Jay stuck to his word but on the other hand I wish it was him to hurt Lucas because then it would mean they didn't find me

"They know you're here, you're not safe Hart" thankfully he used my preferred last name for once

"Jay.." I sighed "I can't leave, not until I know my friends are safe"

"Ace please. I'm begging you leave before they find you. Please" I hated seeing him upset so I grabbed his hand trying to make him feel a little better

"You know I can't do that" He was putting up a strong front but I could see the pain in his eyes, I don't want to care about him but I can't stop

"I can possibly buy you some time but at the latest leave by tonight" I turned to face Lucas's cabin and then back to Jay

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